Part 6

26 2 8

Sandy POV

I don't know why I can't open my eyes. Why can't I feel the grass anymore? I expected to be in pain because I had just fallen in a bush but I feel better. I open my eyes to see that I'm in what looks like... A boy's room?

Well to be quite honest I wouldn't know considering I've never been in one. But there's a bunch of Marvel along the walls (mostly Batman) and boys clothes so I would assume my guess is right.

How did I get here?

Oh god what if...

What if someone kidnapped me?

I would think I would be in a dungeon, chained. Maybe some guy thought he'd have some "fun" with me and brought me back to his house.

What if he never let's me go

What if.... *breath* *breath*

Okay. I need to control myself. I'm going to have a panic attack. Calm down.

I hate the what ifs.

Well whoever took me left me some clothes. I really shouldn't wear my possible killer's clothes but I really don't want to stay in these dirty clothes.
I put on the sweats & tank and debate whether to wear the plaid but it does look good so I put it on.

*shatter* "Ahh. Shit what was that? I think it came from down there" I mumble to myself. I look around to find a weapon of some sort. Perfect. I grab the baseball bat leaning against the wall and head down stairs.

I slowly creep down each step looking in every direction. If this wasn't a stranger's house I would enjoy admiring the home. Its quite a beautiful place. I hear that the noise is coming from a door across the living room. I inch toward it gripping the bat in my hand. I let my fingers reach towards the knob when I'm pushed back by the wind of the door swinging open.

Without thinking I scream and swing the bat around while my eyes are closed. I hit someone and I open my eyes to find...

"Oh my gosh. LIAM?!" I look to see a very sweaty Liam holding his arm

"Ouch. "

I don't know what came over me.

It was either the fact that I am in Liam's house with his clothes on or the fact that I just hit him with his own bat. I run away dropping the bat which I assumed landed on his foot because I heard a loud grunt and moan.

I race to his room because that's the only place I know. I rush to his closet sit down and shut the door. I hear footsteps coming up getting louder and I shut my eyes and curl up into myself.

The door opens and hands are placed on mine. He pulls my hands away from my ears but I keep my eyes shut.

"Sandy. What's wrong? "

"Go away."

"Well love, I kind of can't do that considering it is my closet in my room in my house. But you're welcome to stay. The closet isn't comfy though or so I'm told by Louis"

I giggle. He laughs with me. I can't help but open my eyes to see his smile. It really does make me feel better.

"There we go love. That's it. " he says while helping me out of the closet. I get up only to almost fall with Liam catching me. My ankle feels like complete shit. I was such in panic that I totally forgot I injured my ankle. Running up those stairs sure didn't help. Liam picked me up in his arms and it seemed familiar. I started to recall how I ended up with Liam as he laid me on the bed.

"Thank you"

" I only carried you for a minute"

"No. I mean thank you for everything. For getting me from the garden, cleaning me up, and letting me use your clothes. You're like my superhero"

"Well its no problem ma'am. Always fine with helping a dansel in distress" he says trying to sound like they do in the movies

I can't help but laugh and smile

"I'd do anything for that beautiful smile of yours" he says while touching my cheek

I guess I just was in the moment but I felt my face leaning towards him.

I kissed him. Holy shit. I'm kissing him. I'm kissing Liam Payne. Is he kissing back? He is. Okay don't panic. Is that his tongue. Yes. It is. He tastes good. Damn he does.

These thoughts raced through my mind. I pulled away just as it got intense.

"Well I should save you more often"

"Aha well I would love that"

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