Part 19

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Sandy woke up with a massive headache. She slowly opened her eyes to blinding white lights. She saw white walls and heard a beeping sound. She turned her head and saw a curly haired boy looking at her with a smile.

"Hi Harry" she said calmly.

"Hi Sandy, how are you feeling?" Harry asked

"I should be asking you. I really hope you rest in peace okay? I love you Harry and you will always be in my heart. I'll see you again one day and so will Louis." Sandy said with a peaceful smile

"Um... well you did hit your head pretty hard. Sandy, I'm not dead. I'm right here." Harry said while cautiously moving closer to her. He took her hand and intertwined their fingers.

Sandy pulled away and screamed so loud the nurses burst into the room. Once she calmed down she pulled Harry down on the bed and hugged him tightly.

"I thought you were gone. You got shot? I don't understand but I don't care. I'm just so happy you're alive Harry." Sandy cried

The nurses could see that she was just freaking out which was common in her situation.

"Don't crush my boyfriend please. I need him for some fun later" Louis said while walking in the room and then winking at Sandy

She laughed and pulled him into a hug. Niall and Zayn came in soon after and hugged her too.

"Lads, Li is going to be real mad when he finds out we saw her before he did" Zayn spoke up

"It's his fault for sleeping here and not eating. He's lucky I forced him to go get food, he could've starved." Louis replied

Liam suddenly burst into the room.

"Why did no one call me? We talked about this, and we agreed I'd get to see her first" Liam slightly yelled

"Well then go see her mate" Louis patted his back as he, the rest of the boys, and the nurses left the room.

Liam cautiously approached her.

"Hi Sandy"

"Hi baby" Sandy said as she pulled Liam down, hugged him, and then kissed him quickly.

"baby? I? when?" Liam stuttered still shocked from the kiss.

The doctor came in the room and forced Liam out before he could talk more. The doctor explained what happened. He explained how she had been asleep for about a month. He told her about the accident, how she fell off her bike and smashed her head into a rock. Sandy had some minor head injuries but nothing that affected her brain. He told her that she could've woken up any time and that she wasn't in a coma. The doctor didn't know why she didn't wake up because everything was fine with her.

Sandy took some time alone to process it all but she understood everything.

Harry and Louis walked back in the room.

"Glad you're feeling better love" Louis said.

"Yeah we're so very happy our favorite person in the whole world is alright" Harry said after.

"Thank you. It's crazy to think I've been in here for a month yet I don't feel like time has passed. My doctor told me you visited a lot. So what did you guys do while you were here?"

"Walked mostly" harry says

"Well trying to walk" Louis laughs and Harry kicks his leg.

They leave the room and the nurse comes in to check on Sandy again. She asked the nurse to call Liam back in her room. As soon as he walked through, she apologized. She explained all that she had dreamed of while she was asleep. She even told him about Harry dying.

"Wow. That must have been really hard." Liam said

"Yeah but I had you. I'm sorry for kissing you. I was confused and really thought you were my boyfriend." Sandy said shyly

"I'm not sorry. I'm bummed that those things didn't actually happen, but it doesn't mean they can't. I love you Sandy and I would love it if you would be my girlfriend/princess?" Liam smiled.

Sandy shrieked in excitement and immediately shouted yes. She kissed Liam and he kissed her back. Liam climbed in her bed and they cuddled up next to each other.

Louis barged into the room, "Great news!" he shouted

Liam fell off the bed in fright. Sandy laughed and asked Louis, "What's the great news?"

"Well obviously it's that these two are dating" Harry said pointing at Sandy and Liam while walking in along with the other two behind him.

"It's better than that my dear Harold. I talked to Sandy's parents and she gets to come with us" Louis screamed in excitement. Harry smiled widely and pulled Louis in for a kiss. Liam, Niall, and Zayn cheered.

"Where am I going?" Sandy asked in confusion.

"We're all moving to a new school. The bullying grew while you were asleep and we decided that we need to move again or things will end ugly" Louis replied.

"My parents agreed to that?" Sandy asked in shock

"Well they didn't care at first but then I threatened to call child protection services for child neglect on you and they quickly agreed. I'm sorry I can't get you better parents too Sandy."

Sandy laughed but then quickly frowned. "What if it's just the same? What if no one will want to hang out with me again?"

"Sandy babe, don't be ridiculous. It's a really good school. Louis and I have gone through this before and we made sure that this school is bully free. You will have us anyways. What's better than having your best friends and your boyfriend there with you?" Harry said.

"You will never be alone ever again princess" Liam said to her.

For the first time in forever (there'll be magic, there'll be fun) Sandy felt genuinely happy and she knew she was going to be okay.

The End.


hello. ITS MY BIRTHDAY. *blasts pity party* I'm 16 today (: & I got a car omg!!

I am so happy with how this turned out.

The next chapter will kind of just be an explanation, the story sadly does end here ):

Wow that was a great journey. I'm proud of this story and I'm sad to see it finish but have no fear I will write more stuff in the future.

Thank you so much for reading and being patient with me and just being totally awesome. I love you cuties.

I hope to see you in my other stories.

xx – Jordan

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