Chapter 4: YOU HAVE POWERS!!!

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Sorry this was uploaded so late I completely forgot but lucky I remembered just in time but Enjoy.


Pov: Luna

I woke up in a pink room with trophies everywhere, I sat up and looked around then I heard the door open. I looked at the door and saw the same girl that I saw before I passed out.

"You're the girl I saw before I passed out" I said

"Yeah, My names Addison" She Said

"My names Luna" I said

"Why were you on the ground bleeding from your arms" Addison said

"If I tell you, You're not going to believe me" I said while looking down

"Try me" Addison said

"Ok, Um I come from a whole different place, where the is an Island called the Isle of the lost and where I live was called Auradon and Mind you there are people there that have magic and I'm one of those people, Um my boyfriend well now ex-boyfriend decided to let some kids from the Isle of the lost come to live in Auradon and he got me pregnant the day before and I was going to tell him after his game but when I was about to tell him he yelled into the mic that he loved one of the people that came from the isle and I left and found a portal, in the woods, walked through it and now I'm here" I finished explaining

"Oh, I'm sorry that happened to you but first congrats on the baby and you have POWERS!?!?!" Addison said surprised

"Yeah you want to see" I asked

"Sure" She said

"Do you have any dead relatives, Sorry if this is personal" I asked

"Um, My grandma, why?" She said

I closed my eyes and activated my power, and opened my eyes to see a beautiful woman with blonde hair standing behind Addison

"Hi, what's your name" I said

"What do you mean I already told you my name" Addison said

"Not you Addison, I'm talking to the lady standing behind you" I said

Addison turned around and didn't see anyone

"I don't see anyone" She said

"Hold my hands" I said

She held my hands and I made it to where she could see what I'm seeing

"Now turn around" I said

She turned and gasped, with tears in her eyes

"G-grandma" She said

"Addie darling" Addison's grandma said

Addison hugged her(A/N: Yes they can touch each other) and they both started crying while I smiled at their reunion. Addison turned to me

"Thank you" She said

"You're welcome, but I'm going to have to stop in a while cause using this power drains me" I said

"Ok, Bye grandma" She said

"Bye Addie" Addison's grandma said

I deactivated my power

"You were telling the truth" She said

"Yeah" I said

"Well do you have anywhere to stay" She asked

"No, but I'll figure it out" I said but then the door opened to reveal Addison's parents

"Honey, you can stay with us, we heard everything" Missy said

"Thank you" I said as I teared up

They came in and we all hugged





And from that point, I knew I was going to love it here.


Thats it See you tomorrow. 

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