Chapter 7: Auradon

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Pov: Author(😊)

After Luna left, Audrey came back into the room to check up on her but when she opened the door she found nobody in Luna's bed and all of Luna's stuff was gone.

She saw a note and read it. She started crying and then turned mad with tears in her eyes. She called Luna's parents and told them what happened and read to them what the note said. They said they were on their way. She ran out of the room and saw Ben in the cafeteria talking to Mal and the core and everyone else eating. She was about to confront Ben, when Chad, Jane, And Lonnie came up to her

"What's wrong" Chad asked

"I went to check on Luna to find her not in her bed and all of her stuff gone. I looked at the nightstand and found this'' She replied handing Chad the note

Chad Was Angry, He passed the note to Jane, Jane started crying and she passed the note to Lonnie who looked like she was about to murder someone after she read it.

"Do you know where she went" Chad asked

"No, she didn't say in the note" Audrey replied

Before anyone could think, Chad went to Ben and Punched him. Everyone Gasped

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR" Jay yelled

Before Chad could answer, the doors slammed open


"Woah what's going on" Beast said

"Beast tell me why I get a call from Audrey telling me that my daughter RAN AWAY" Pocahontas explained

Ben, the core and everyone else's eyes widened

"What" Ben whispered

"And Even worse That son of a bitch broke her heart, HIT HER, and left her Pregnant" John explained

"Wait, Luna was pregnant" Ben asked

"Yes, She was Jackass" Audrey yelled

"It's probably not even mine and plus I never loved her. I used her for entertainment and that all changed when I met this angel" Ben said while he kissed Mal's cheek. Mal blushed (A/N: *Gags* 🤢, I will be right back, 🤮, Back continue the story)

"How could you say that and She wasn't with anyone other than you and the last time you guys did it did you use protection" Jane asked

"Well, No but it doesn't mean that it's mine" Ben said as he rolled his eyes

"Yeah he loves me now and doesn't care about her anymore so move on" Mal said

"Oh shut up you slut" Lonnie said(A/N: We stan a queen that is not afraid to speak up😌💅🏽)

"Well we don't have enough evidence that it's Ben's child and She has been sneaking around on her computer so she could be cheating" Belle said

"Why don't we go throw her computer shall we" John said

Audrey got the computer and they went through it, to find that Luna was setting up a Plane ticket for after their wedding

"See she wasn't cheating, she was doing something for your dumbass" Audrey said

Ben felt Guilty for what he did and since he did that he won't be able to see his daughter grow up

"Well Ben has Mal now and Luna ran away when she should have said something, So from now on Mal is the new future Queen of Auradon and the Future wife of Ben" Beast said

Ben and Mal smiled and kissed and the core smiled but deep down they knew they were one step closer to getting the wand.

Everyone Cheered (Minus Pocahontas, John, Chad, Audrey, Jane, and Lonnie)

"Beast and Belle since you already decided, My Kingdom will not be associating with you anymore, and watch your back cause I already know why these Vks are here. They only want to get the wand so they can open the barrier but let your pride get the best of you and when truth comes to shove you do what you got to do (A/N: Y'all know where I got that from😏)" Pocahontas Said, Beast and Belle Were shocked cause almost half of their fame came from Pocahontas and John's Kingdom

Pocahontas, John, Chad, Audrey, Jane, and Lonnie left.






Hoped you Enjoyed Bye.

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