Chapter 12: Cheer Practice

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4 days left, Once again I'm trying to find something to do because it's 6 am, also this chapter is short.


The Next Day

Pov: Luna

Timeskip to cheer practice

Addison and I walked in

"I'm so fired up for Luna and I to be running cheer practice, Together we can do anything" Addison said

Everyone looked scared which I was confused about until Bree pointed behind us. So me and Addison turn around to see the werewolves (Minus Willa) Sitting on the bleachers.

"Sorry, but this practice is for cheerleaders only" Addison said

"Ha, just try and get us to leave" Wynter challenged

"Wynter, some respect" Wyatt said

"No, she doesn't want you to leave, she and I want you to stay, Show us what you can do, the cheer team is for everyone" I said

The wolves got up and paired up with someone, and to my luck, I was paired up with Wyatt

(Imagine Luna is Addison)

I landed and Wyatt caught me, I smiled at him, He smiled back and put me down and everyone started cheering and I hugged Wyatt. What I didn't know was Zed was watching the full thing

"That was awesome, You're all Natural cheerleaders" I said

"We wolves work together" Wyatt said to me

"But I'm not a werewolf though" I said

Wyatt just smirked and shook his head

Then we heard coughing and turned around

"Wynter!?!?!" I said and went to her side to help her stand then I notice her necklaces turned green

Just then Bucky came in clapping

"Well done Luna and Addison, with werewolves on cheer this election is so in the bag" Bucky said with a smile on his face

"Bucky this isn't about politics, I always felt like cheer could unite" Addison and I said at the same time

"You both are going to make a great captain and Co-captain" Bucky said Ignoring Addison's comment

"I'm going to be Co-Captain/Captain" Me and Addison exclaimed

I ran and Hugged Wyatt and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist and he held my thighs to make sure I didn't fall

"Luna and I were thinking the team could move beyond trophies and we can start an outreach program" Addison explained

"Woah. Cheer is about what I say, and it's about winning" Bucky said before walking off

Addison saw Zed and Zed walk off so Addison followed I decided I wouldn't Intervene

"You're Beautiful" Wyatt said

I blushed and said "Thanks and You're handsome"

He chuckled

"Get changed I want to show you something" He said

"Ok" I said

I walked off to the locker room got changed and I always have extra clothes with me cause my clothes usually get dressed coded, I walked back out

"Ready to go" He asked

"Yeah let's go" I replied

What she's wearing: 

What she's wearing: 

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