Chapter 10: Wyatt and Wolves Vote

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6 days left, Hope you enjoy it.


A few days later (A/N: I'm extending the Demo)

Pov: Luna

Right now Alina is with Missy and Dale and thank god for them cause I couldn't bring her to school or else she would be crying all day disrupting class. My belly is back to its regular size and I'm pretty sure everyone noticed cause they all came up to me asking if I gave birth already. But anyways, Bree, Addison, and I are in the library. I went to go get a book, once I got it I felt someone behind me and I quickly turned around and saw the boy Wyatt

"Um Hi" I nervously said

"Hi, Sorry for coming out of nowhere but I just wanted to ask if you gave birth already cause your stomach is smaller than the last time I saw you" He replied

"Yeah, thanks for noticing" I said

"You're very beautiful" He said while tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear

I don't know why but I feel attracted to him. Like we were meant to find each other or be together. (A/N: The Cringe 😭)

"Thanks" I said looking down blushing

He lifted my chin so I could look at him. We both were looking into each other's eyes, I saw him look down at my lips then back to my eyes.

We both leaned in But snapped out of it when we heard a book slam on the table. We jumped apart and I sped walked back over to Addison and Bree, to see that the girl Willa slammed books on the table. I sat down and Willa started talking

"Lies, these history books claim werewolves attacked Seabrook settlers, but they struck first and stole our moonstone" She explained

"Always knew they were lying about something" I mumbled

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that" Addison said with a frown

"You don't know about a lot of things" Willa snarled

Willa was walking out when Addison yelled

"I do know that the alarms will go off if you don't check out those books" She yelled

Willa threw her necklace at the alarm disabling it and then left but not before getting her necklace.

"Wow" I said amazed

"Our Necklaces have their ways with electronics" Wyatt whispered into my ear

I blushed and Wyatt and the rest of the wolves left. I look at Bree and Addison to find them smirking at me

"What?" I said

"Hmm You and Wyatt" Addison Said with a smirk on her face

"HUH!?!? THERESNOTHINGGOINGONBETWEENUS" I said with a flushed face

Both she and Bree laughed as I sat there with blush on my face

"Um I'm going to my next class" I said and ran out of the library


I was with Zed and Eliza in zombie town. They were trying to get the wolves' vote, While I was playing with Zoey and Alina.

I saw that Eliza and Zed were going to the werewolves and Zoey wanted to follow. So I picked up Alina and we walked over

"Hello Wolves, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Zed, zombie, football star, presidential hopeful" Zed said as he held his hand out to shake

They looked at him weirdly. Zed awkwardly laughed and pulled his hand back.

I held back a laugh, Zed glared at me and I gave him a "What" Look. He cleared his throat

"When Zombies first came to Seabrook we were outsiders too. Which is why you need a great president like Zed to represent you. We'd be honored if you guys joined us" Eliza explained and I gave her a smile

I looked over at Wyatt and he looked back and winked at me. I blushed and turned away and looked at Alina and she smiled at me. I gave her Eskimo kisses and She giggled and I joined her

I looked up and saw everyone looking at us in Awe. I blushed and looked away

"Our pack is Our pack, We don't need anyone else" Willa said

"Who doesn't want more friends? Underneath all that fluffy hair I bet You're a real softy" Zoey smiled, I smiled down at her.








I'm Like very lazy so I will finish this in the next chapter

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