Chapter 9: Zed for Prez and Birth of _____

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7 days Left, This chapter is short but Hope you enjoy it.


The Next day

Pov: Luna

I got up and got dressed into this


I woke up Addison and we walked to school

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I woke up Addison and we walked to school

"Why don't you have the cheer uniform on" She asked

"Cause I'm going to pop on Friday and my stomach is too big for the uniform" I said

"Oh, Ok" She answered

We walked into school and saw Eliza and Zed

"Hey Guys" I said

"Hey Luna and Addison" They both said

"Well, I would love to talk but we have to go to the Gym because bucky wants us to vote for him as president Bye" I said

Addison and I walked to the gym and Addison stood next to the cheerleaders, While Bucky made me sit.

Timeskip to when the wolves come in

"As your president, I will make Seabrook a place that embraces zombies and-" Zed was interrupted by Bree screaming

"Werewolves!!!" She called out

"No why would we want- WEREWOLVES!!!" Zed screamed pointing towards the door.

Everyone panicked, Addison took me with her to make sure I didn't get hurt in the crowd

"There she is" The one in the front pointed to me, Addison got in front of me to protect me from them doing anything.

"Where's the moonstone brown hair" She said

"I think you got the wrong person" I said

"Our Razor-sharp Claws with gut 'em and splatter their blood" A smaller girl said

She looked over to see the girl in the front staring at her

"Too much?" She asked

"Wolves! On my command" The girl in the front yelled

"Willa, we can't go to war with the whole town. We'll never be able to find the moonstone if they're on high alert" A cute boy told the girl

"I hate it when your right" Willa said

"Wolves stand down" She said

The wolves got out of fighting position

"Sorry, We werewolves just wanted to join your school! Since we so admire your town." Willa said with the fakest smile I've seen.

"What!? They can't!" Bucky yelled

"Technically, The forbidden forest is within the school district" Coach said

"So...Welcome to Seabrook" Addison said but I went to go sit back down

Time Skip to after school

Addison, Zed, Eliza, Bonzo, Bree, and I were walking back home when I felt water in between my legs. I froze and everyone saw and turned to me

"Uh, Luna you okay" Bree asked

"Fuck, My water just broke" I screamed

Their eyes widened, Zed came and picked me up and ran to Eliza's mom(A/N: I don't remember if Eliza's mom worked as a doctor but in this she does). They ran into Eliza's house

"HER WATER BROKE" Addison Screamed and Eliza's mom acted quick and told them to put her in the room and then told everyone to get out

Pov: Addison

We were waiting for Luna to give birth and I was pacing, What if something went wrong what if the baby died what if she died

Zed came over and hugged me

"She and the baby will be ok and you will meet your Niece or Nephew soon" He said

It calmed me down and right when I was about to answer, we heard a baby cry

I started to tear up










. Almost there 









.So close 


















"She's here" Eliza's mom said as she came out of the room.

We all ran in and saw Luna Holding a baby girl and then looked up and saw us

"Addie you want to hold her" She asked me

"I can?" I said with tears rolling down my face

She nodded. I walked over and held her

"Hi, Its auntie Addie" I said with a smile on my face

I looked up

"She Beautiful, what's her name" I asked

"It's _____, It means Bright and Beautiful" She said

"The name matches her and you" I said

The others came over and looked at her and they all were in awe

















Welcome to the family Alina....

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