Chapter 16: Moonstone/One for All

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0 days left MERRY CHRISTMAS 😩❤, Yes I'm working on a book 2 for this book but ENJOY


Pov: Luna


We ran out of the Gym and was about to run out the door when the ground cracked I almost fell in but I was caught by Wyatt

"Thanks" I said

"Your welcome" He said

Just then I felt the energy from the moonstone and closed my eyes

POV: Wyatt (Just for a little)


After I caught Luna and she thanked me, I felt her jerk in my hands and saw her close her eyes. She opened her eyes and they glowed

"The moonstone, I feel it" She said

Everyone's eyes widened

"That means the moonstone wasn't destroyed it was just buried" Addison said

POV: Luna


Wyatt jumped in and then helped Willa, Wynter, and I in the other wolves followed after

"This way I see the light it's coming from Seabrook Power" I said

We were at the end of the tunnel and saw the moonstone

"We found it" I said

We all ran over to it and took our necklaces off and put them on the moonstone. We closed our hands with the moonstone in them and we opened our eyes and growled. Just then the ground started to shake again.

"We have to get it out of here" I said

"The legend says that together with our pack can move the stone" Wynter said

"All of us lift...." Willa said

We tried but it was too heavy

"It's too heavy, there's not enough of us" I said

"Then maybe you need to expand your pack" Addison said

"Addison!!" I said

"We came to help, Come everyone we got this" She said

Then the Zombies, Aceys, and Bucky came in to help, Just then a slab of rock came down blocking our way out

"The chamber clasped, we can't carry the moonstone through" Wyatt said

"Zed your Z-band is still broken" Eliza said

"I can't what if I can't control it" Zed said

(A/N: Shit I forgot about Alina 😭 Let's just say that they gave her to one of the wolves that are still on the surface, to make sure Alina didn't get hurt)

"Please Zed" I said trying to convince him

He looked at me then took his Z-band off and growled. He went and pulled the slab up, We ran out with it, I noticed that Zed was still in there. I was about to do something but it was too late the Slab closed

"ZED!!!" Addison and I yelled

I was crying into Wyatt's shoulder when we saw a light and I looked up to see Zed walking out with a smirk on his face. Addison and I ran and Hugged him

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