Chapter 8: Wolves prospective

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Pov: Luna

Once we got back, We went to city hall where everyone was panicking. Missy and Dale came up to me and Addison, asking if we were ok

"We're fine" I said

"Yeah, We're Okay" Addison Added

Bucky came up to us

"Aunt Missy, Uncle Dale. The crash was horrible." He put his hands around us "But, I protected Addison and Luna. Anyone as courageous as me would've done the same. Though, not really, I'm super brave."

"See everything is fine" I said

"It's not fine. There are werewolves circling us right now ready to attack" Dale objected

"And Especially with Luna being pregnant, we can't be having you or the baby getting hurt" Missy Added

"Yeah! And I'm way too tasty. I'm always looking like a snack, somebody has to do something" Bucky explained

"And Somebody will Hold my purse" Missy told us and passed dale her purse

She walked to the podium and slammed her mallet a few times

"By order to City Council, Effective immediately, all Anti-monster laws are reinstated" She explained

"That's not fair!!!" Addison and I yelled

Missy motioned "Zip-it" to us and I was so mad I stormed out of the city hall and back home.

Pov: ???

I was dressed as a Worker when I walked into a place called "Zombietown". And find everyone panicking and running everywhere. I was wondering why they were panicking when I heard someone run by saying


That's when I noticed that someone heard Willa howl. I saw someone at a stand that said Fro-yo. So I walked up to it but he closed the lid

(A/N: I like couldn't remember what the coach said and I'm too lazy to go to the movie and find out what he said so I'm just going to go off memory)

"Nope, nu-uh Years of fro-yo gone to waste. See I like zombies they like fro-yo but werewolves like human flesh with sprinkles. Everyone likes sprinkles." He said

"HIGH KNEES" He yelled as he took the cart and ran

People here are weird. I turned and saw a girl putting up a piece of paper that says "Looking for a were-friend". She turns and sees me

"Hi, Have you seen a werewolf, I'm looking for a were friend" she explained

"Silly kid, There's no such thing as werewolves" I replied

"But Luna and Addy saw one Howl and they don't lie" She exclaimed

"What if it was a hiker saying Howls-it-going" I said trying to convince her that werewolves aren't real

"IT was a werewolf" She yelled

"My what big eyes you have" She said suspiciously

I was about to reply when we hear

"Zoey time to come inside, I don't want you outside with these wolves roaming around" The person I think is her dad said

"Ok" She grabbed her tools and left

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