Chapter 5: Cheer Camp!!!

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9 months later

POV: Luna

Timeskip to cheer champ

I was standing with Bree and Addison in front of cheer camp.

"Cheer Camp! It's even more sparkly than I dreamed!" Bree said

I chuckled, I was lost in thought when I saw Addison's cousin Bucky make his entrance and everyone cheered. Bucky was nice to me, after finding out what happened to me and me being pregnant he became very protective of me. I thought he was nice but I was also mad at him because he wouldn't accept the zombies, but other than that he is very nice to be around.

Bucky motioned for everyone to quiet down and everyone did

"You all heard the stories of the bloodthirsty monsters who roam these woods feasting on innocent cheerleaders" Bucky said

The Aceys jumped out from behind Bonzo and Bree scaring them, Bree jumped into Bonzo's arms 'Ship'

"Well, those stories are just silly make-believe. You better believe we're gonna break you down and build you back up into peppy little cheer machines. Like Lacey!!!" Bucky said

Lacey came and did her entrance

"Stacey!!!" Bucky said

Stacey came and did her entrance

"And our newest Acey, Jacey!!!" Bucky said

Jacey came in and did his entrance and said

"I'm Kevin" He said

'Oh god please don't yell Bucky'

Bucky gave him a look

"Right we changed my name to Jacey. Which I love by the way" He said

He joined the girls

"Long live the Aceys!!!" Bucky said

Everyone cheered and clapped, I like the Aceys even though they are mean to most people they make sure that I don't over work myself because they know I'm pregnant(A/N: Yes they know because It would be weird for her to be in school while she's pregnant and people just thinking she's eating too much probably doesn't make sense but Idk how to explain it), then everyone quiets down

"You three will lead the veterans. You're the A-team" Bucky said

Bucky handed Addison, Bree, and the rest of the zombies green vest

"Addison, Bree. You take the newbies. You're the Uh... Z-team" Bucky said

"Uh What about me" I said

"Oh, you're with me cause you're sitting out, you look like you can pop any minute now" Bucky said

"Ok" I said

"Zombies, this is obviously your first cheer camp. Now, I'm not Anti-change, I'm just Pro-keeping things the way they are because you don't mess with success. This week, the veterans and the newbies will compete for the Cheer Camp Cup to see who is more cheer-tastic. The Veterans have always won the Cheer Camp Cup. Right Aceys?" He explained and Asked

"Right!" The Aceys Exclaimed

"We'll see about that" Addison Replied

Bucky went to the cheer course and the Acey came over to Addison, Bree, and I

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