Accepting Help From The Snake

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I sat in my car longer than I usually did after work. Today was a hard day. Emotionally, it was a hard day.

One of the kids finally felt comfortable enough to talk about what happened at home before they were removed by protective services, and it was hard. It was hard to listen to a fourteen-year-old talk about the trauma and abuse they endure for years.

I scrubbed my hands over my face before huffing and got out of the car, shouldering my bag as I went to the door. At least I'm not going home to an empty house tonight, I thought to myself as I unlocked the door.

But I was surprised to walk into the house to something that smelled delicious. I set my bag down and took my coat and boots off, shuffling down the hall towards the kitchen.

"Hey," I said with a smile as I came into the kitchen, spotting Dimitri at the stove with a pot.

"Hi," he said as he turned to look at me but frowned. "Are you okay?"

He could still read me like an open book. "Yeah. Just a really hard day at work."

"Want to talk about it?" he asked, setting the spoon he was using to stir the pot down on a paper towel.

"I don't know, it's a touchy subject."

"I think I'm well versed on touchy subjects. But if you don't feel up to it, that's fine," he said, leaning back against the counter behind him.

I nodded but looked at the stockpot on the stove. "What are you making?"

"Potato soup."

I smiled and sat down at the island. "It smells good. Did you get up to anything today?"

Dimitri shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sort of. Went to the mall and got some clothes, but I didn't have much when I left. And I discovered just how much I like the video game you were playing."

I snickered and smiled at him. "Really? The man from Russia liked the post-apocalyptic game set in Moscow. Why am I not surprised?"

"Hey, I have only played video games a handful of times in my life. I think I spent at least four hours on that one," he retorted, but I was happy to see the beginnings of a smile on his face. It could be so hard for Dhampir to be happy once the realization that they have left everything they know behind.

"Well, as long as you didn't save over my file, I don't care how much time you spend playing it while you're here," I said, "how long until that is done? It smells so good and I'm starving!"

"It's almost done," he said with a smirk.

I nodded at him and stood up, letting him know that I was going to get changed. I changed quickly and skipped back out to the kitchen. Dimitri set a bowl on the island in front of me with a few pieces of buttered bread. I said my thanks before tasting it and then seasoning. We both ate quietly, but from the grunts of enjoyment I was making, I could see Dimitri smirk beside me every once in a while.

"God. You need to teach me how to cook. I can't cook like this!" I groaned.

"I'm sure I can show you a few tips," he said with a laugh. I smirked at him but put a little more soup in my bowl, drinking it up greedily. I couldn't get over how good it was.

"Can I ask you something kind of personal?" I asked Dimitri after we had cleaned up from dinner and got comfortable on the couch. We had agreed to watch a movie together, one that I had already seen but he hadn't so I was okay with pretending that I hadn't.

Dimitri's brows furrowed but he nodded.

"One of the kids said something to me today, confided in me, and I don't know how to respond."

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