chapter fifteen

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chapter fifteen

I ran up to Luke and shoved him, as he staggered back shocked. Tears started streaming down my face as I continued to shove Luke repeatedly. My face started to turn red with anger as shoves turned to punches in his chest. "What the fuck is wrong with you?", I yelled at him, continuing to punch him in his chest. Jadie walked in, looking at me confused. She then looked down to see Harry on the floor and she screamed.

"What the fuck happened?!" Jadie yelled, running to get me off of Luke.

"Get the hell off me! Get off!" I screamed, angered at Jadie for grabbing me, "You sick bastard! I hate you, Luke!"

Anger bubbled up inside me, I was sick and tired of all this! It's all my fault, ever since Vegas our whole lives have been a wreck. We need to stop living like this, it's not healthy. For anyone. Harry got up from his spot on the floor, his shirt bloodstained. He went up to Luke, and punched him in the jaw. Jadie had me in a extremely tight grip and I couldn't get out. Everything was falling apart. Luke was on the floor, Harry's face red with anger. We've all cracked, and there's nothing else we could do about it now.


Zayn left One Direction, the reason supposedly because he wanted to be normal. What a fucking lie. Everyone's been pissed at him since, and One Direction decided to take a little break. Everyone needed it anyways, I mean Luke and Harry were feuding and Luke's been giving me the cold shoulder. But I shouldn't be surprised, of course he would. Everyone's been so distant lately, it's sad actually.

"Let's do something today. We've been depressed for weeks on end, it's time we actually be happy for a change." Louis said, ruffling his hair.

"Be happy for how long though? A few hours and then go back to all this bullshit?" Liam said, taking Zayn's leaving of the band hard.

"I agree with Louis, we just can't be stuck here. Let's go out. It'll be good for you Liam, and you know it." Angela said, resting her head on his shoulder.

It was settled, we'd be going out today, the kids staying with a nanny we had on call. I showered with Harry as he washed my hair. "What happened to us, Harry? We used to all be so normal, now everything is fucked up."

"It'll even out eventually Del, we just have to wait it out. I promise you." Harry said cracking a smile, as I turned around washing Harry's hair this time. I put on a grey skin tight dress that had a halter neckline. I paired it with nude heels, throwing my hair into a messy but cute pony tail. I added some light makeup and grabbed a clutch. Everyone else was dressed and ready as we made our way to the club.


I sat down at the bar, everyone else having a good time as I sat alone. I sipped on a martini, scrolling through my iPhone. I just wasn't feeling it today, or any day at that. Someone grabbed my waist, I turned around shocked but calmed down once I saw that it was Harry. I gave him a peck on the lips as he pulled me from my seat and onto the dance floor. I downed my drink quickly, leaving it on the counter.

"Whats with you Harry?" I giggled, running my fingers through his hair, him obviously being drunk.

"I wan't to dance with you! Let's dance and have a good time and just have a good time and yeah!" Harry laughed drunkenly having the time of his life. It was time I let loose, I went back to the bar with Harry as we downed several drinks, both of us equally drunk now. I dragged him to the dance floor where Liam and Angela were dancing. I grinded on Harry as his hands were placed firmly on my hips. I turned around, making out with him as he grabbed my ass making me gasp. We went towards our booth, as I fell onto his lap. I giggled, grinding up against him giving him a lapdance basically. Ashton who was completely shitfaced was shooting a video of the whole thing.

"I want a lap dance too now. Not fair guys!" Ashton said, turning the camera towards himself and giggling.

"I love her fat ass man. It's freaking majestic" Harry groaned, his hands on my bum.

"Harry, that sounded pretty dumb and I'm drunk for fucks sakes." Ashton said seriously but then started to laugh again.

I told Harry I had to use the bathroom, making my way through a crowd of sweaty bodies. I got into a empty hallway, trying to find the bathroom. The door bursted open, revealing Zayn and his hair shaved off. I gasped, falling backwards a little bit.

"Zayn? Is that really you? You look totally different!" I slurred, a goofy grin plastered on my face.

"Hey Del, how you been?" Zayn smiled, engulfing me in a hug.

"I've been good but I should really go to the bathroom." I giggled running inside.

Once I was back at the booth, I couldn't stop thinking of Zayn. We all really missed him, lots. But today wasn't a day to worry, it was a day to let loose and have fun.

But how can we have fun when everything's falling apart?

assistance highly needed ☯ harry styles auWhere stories live. Discover now