chapter five

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chapter five

"Welcome to the world, Faith! This is your home, but only for a while. Daddy here's taking a break from his job for a while.", I cooed to my baby, as I stroked her soft cheek. Our current destination right now was Washington, D.C, and we'd be staying here for about two months, until we'd start the tour back up again.

I walked over to the couch, where Angela was sitting with Adam. I smiled, looking down at little Faith. Honestly, I named her Faith because everyone needs a little faith in things. Hope is overrated, hope gets you no where, hope is bullshit. But faith takes you a long way then hope ever could. I held Faith close to my arms, looking at her big brown eyes she got from me. She looked nothing like Harry, the only thing she had gotten from Harry was her deep dimples. I laughed at how she would try to pull my hair.

"Isn't she just the cutest little thing? God, she looks so much like you! ", Angela gushed, as she scrolled through her phone on Pinterest.

Angela and I were currently planning Adam's first birthday party. Angela wanted it to be a huge birthday bash, very huge and extraordinary. After she had saw Kim Kardashian's baby's birthday, she vowed to beat it, in every way she could. I, totally agreed with her on the whole big birthday party, I mean, it's the kid's first birthday. The first year of life that they ever had. It's got to be extraordinary!

"So, the location is basically where Liam and I plan to have our wedding. I want Adam to have two memories in that location, because it's special.", Angela said, as she scrolled on her phone.

"I think that the decorations should be like a dark navy blue, and basically kind of like Batman type, since he's kind of like obsessed with him"

"Well, you know like they say, Del. Like father like son!'

"Have you seen the boys today? They've been gone for awfully long."

"I really don't know. They better not be pulling anything stupid", Angela's voiced then hushed into a whisper, "Did you hear that Luke still has the hot's for you? Poor kid doesn't see that you're happy like this now."

"He'll get over it, he just need's time. Anyways, onto Adam's First Birthday Bash."

"Oh my god, I am so putting that on the invitations! Thanks Delilah!"


"Okay, so when's Adam's birthday again, Angela?", I asked, as I typed away on my Macbook.

"It is in approximitaly thirteen days, and that's definitely not enough time!", Angela panicked, as she also scrolled on her Macbook.

"At least we got the kid's to sleep, I mean, Faith couldn't go to sleep for shit. God, my head hurts just thinking about it.", I said, as my phone vibrated, a call from Harry, "Hey babe, what's up?"

"Hey Del, sorry the boys' and I are out so late, and we had to leave you guys alone with the kids.", Harry said, as he laughed lightly into the phone.

"It's okay, what are you doing anyways? You've been gone for a really, really, long time babe, Angela and I had started to worry.", I said, sighing deeply.

"How about you and Angela go outside?", Harry said, ending the call immediately, as I laughed, telling Angela as we slipped on some shoes and went to go outside.

At least Jadie was there to keep watch on the kids, because if she wasn't, I'd probably not even go outside. It was about 12:03 P.M and it was breezy outside. At first, Angela and I were very confused at first, thinking that the boys just pranked us or something -- which was a very lame prank at that. That's when a light started blinking from the floor. It was only one, but then, many more had started to turn on. After all the lights I think had been turned on, I realized that they weren't just lights. They were in the shape of a heart. A guitar started to play in the background, to be more specific, the chords to Little Things.

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me, but bear this in mind it was meant to be, and I'm joining up the dots, with the freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me."

I collapsed onto the floor in a fit of tears, as California walked out of no where giving me a tight hug. Angela then joined in, and then Jadie had started to join in. Once Harry's voice came on, flashlights had been turned on to reveal Harry on the guitar, along with the rest of the boys, who were crowded around him. I started to cry harder, grabbing onto California's shirt. Once Niall's part came in, instead of just Niall, they had all joined in. I wiped my tears, slowly getting up, and walking towards Harry as he continued to sing along Little Things with the boys. I had sat down in front of him, as he continued to sing, flashing a smile. Once the song ended I crashed my lips into his.

"Why did you do this for Harry? All this? Why for me?", I sniffled, pulling strands of hair behind my ear.

"I never, ever, want you to cut yourself ever again okay? I saw the the bathroom. But I'm not mad at you, because I'm going to help you get through this okay?", Harry said, tears falling from his eyes.

"We're all here for you Delilah. We'll always be here for you, when you need us, or you don't.", Niall said, wiping tears that had fallen on his face.

I started to cry, grabbing onto Harry tightly. Everyone then joined into a group hug, I smushed into Ashton, as Zayn pulled the hug tighter. I laughed slightly, tears spilling onto Ashton's shirt, as I tried to wipe my tears away. There's people here that love me, and care for me, and won't hurt me. Ever. And I know they're not perfect, but they're the best people you can ever ask for.

And I love them -- so God damn much.

assistance highly needed ☯ harry styles auWhere stories live. Discover now