chapter ten

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chapter ten

I woke up to banging on my door, and Harry sprawled across the bed. in a few days the tour would be back on and everything was a mess. I trudged to the door, opening it to see Angela with tears in her eyes. She shoved a magazine into my hands and stormed away, pissed. I examined the glossy surface, reading the headline. "ANGELA EXPOSED? MENACING TWEETS SENT BY... DELILAH?" . I gasped, flipping through the pages fiercely, the pages saying that I sent rude tweets on an anonymous account. But why would I do that? Angela's like my sister, I would never do that to her. I threw it in the garbage raking my fingers through my hair. Honestly, Angela and I have been very rocky lately. I sighed, wiping a tear that's fallen, as Faith starts to cry. I pick her up from her crib, silencing her as I feed her some milk and lay her down again. I hate how it's always something going bad in life, always something to ruin the happy. When there's happiness, sadness always lingers and that's the worst part. Living a fake perfect life with the press but the real thing not being so perfect. I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear as I went back to bed cuddling Harry. I weeped silently into his shoulder as I fell asleep, drowning in my own tears. I got up again, to pick up the magazine from the garbage and walked out of the room. Angela was on the staircase, her hair was tied up into a bun.

"Angie, it wasn't me I swear.. Why would I even do that for anyways?", I said looking through the pages.

"Oh please Delilah. You never fit in with us! Stop trying so hard to be someone you most definitely aren't!", Angela yelled pushing past me towards her room.

"You know what, fuck you. Fuck everything! Shove the fake magazine up your ass..", I muttered, throwing the magazine at her head.

Angela snapped her neck around and walked back and shoved me onto the floor. She went in deep and whispered "Don't fucking touch me again". I shook my head, tears gathering at my eyes as I stood up and punched her square in the jaw. She stumbled back onto the staircase, catching herself before further damage could be done.

"Touch me again and I'll snap your neck.", I smirked, dusting my shirt off as I continued to walk to my room. I mean I tried to be nice, but she didn't accept it. Always got to listen to what the press has to say. I went into my room which was messy since we were all packing to go to our last few shows of the tour. It was fun yeah, but I think it's time we need to get our personal lives back on track. I decided I was going to go take a walk. I hopped in the shower and got dressed. I threw on black sweatpants, my Jordan's, a baggy white shirt and a beanie. I then grabbed my sunglasses and keys and left.

The slight breeze hit my face as I walked the streets of D.C. I adjusted my beanie as I walked into a local coffee shoppe. I ordered a tea and went to sit down. Honestly I needed some time to adapt to everything. What if Angela was right? What if An-- My thoughts were interrupted as someone sat in the chair in front of me with a familiar big plastic smile.

"Jocelyn?! Oh um-- Hi how's it been?", I sighed, pushing my sunglasses more towards my face. Jocelyn was the girl I met a few months back at a gala. She was a major bitch.

"Del, you haven't changed one bit since I saw you a few months ago! How's it been?", Jocelyn gushed, her voice perky and high pitched. She pushed her honey blond extensions to her ear as I rolled my eyes.

This has been a long day.

assistance highly needed ☯ harry styles auWhere stories live. Discover now