52(scars, Bucky x reader..kinda)

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Ever since y/n joined the team back in 2014 he had only ever trained by himself in the middle of the night, because of the scars he had gotten from his time in Hydra. so as usual y/n was in the gym around midnight, he had earbuds in and was blasting music so he didn't hear Bucky walk in.

Bucky couldn't sleep that night so he had decided to go workout not expecting anyone to be up this late. As he walked in he saw y/n on the pull up bar, as bucky let his eyes travel down y/n's back he saw for the first time that his back was covered in scars of all sizes. It hadn't even been 30 seconds when y/n noticed Bucky standing in the doorway. He jumped down from the bar and pulled out his earbuds and quickly walked over to put on his shirt.

Y/n: oh uh hey Bucky.

Bucky: hey y/n... if you don't mind me uh asking, where'd you get all those scars?

Y/n:...I got them from my time in a Hydra facility.

Bucky: oh, I didn't realize tha-

Y/n: it's fine Bucky, it's not something I like to talk about.

Y/n: uhm you can use the gym by yourself

Y/n grabs his bag and starts to walk out, but as he passes Bucky, Bucky grabs his wrist to stop him.

Bucky: don't let those scars control you, they can't get to you, your..you're amazing and nothing like what Hydra tried to turn you into.

Y/n:*blushing slightly* uh uhm thanks Bucky.

He tries to start walking again but once again Bucky stops him, but this time he only kissed him on the cheek and let go of his wrist and walked over to the punching bags.

Y/n stood there stunned for a moment before he walked out. Once he was sure he was out of Bucky's view, he did a victory dance.

Bucky was standing at his punching bag grinning like a kid on Christmas day.

Thanks for reading

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