90(revenge pt2)

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y/n: Now let's go before I change my mind.

Fury: alright

They both walk to the jet, get on and leave.

While sitting there y/n starts to wonder if he made to right decision, after all he's made a point to never really know what's going on in the news because he bound to want to help, because despite to facade of tough guy villain, who doesn’t care what happens to most people, he is actually quite caring and want to help people, but he decided that for his own safety he’d mind his own business and not interfere with anything because he’s bound to mess it up, given his past.
     So, because of his decision he doesn't even know who these avengers are.

y/n: so… who are these avengers..?

Fury: really? You know you're like the only person who doesn’t know who they are.

y/n:..i dont have a tv.

Fury: whatever, the avengers are a group of heroes who keep the”bad guys” for just doing whatever they want.

y/n:when were they formed?

Fury: 2012

y/n: okay..

Fury: Why do you ask?

y/n: no reason

y/n:So where are we heading anyways?

Fury: upstate New york, to the compound where most of them live.

y/n: and how many are there?

Fury: around ten, and then the kid, they refuse to let him join. (was Bucky ever officially made an avenger? I don't think so??)

y/n: ok, new york, so we have like five hours?

Fury: About that long.

y/n: great..

Fury: what? I'm delightful company!

y/n: *blinks*  sure..

Fury: *grumble* here, take these.

y/n: what exactly are those?

Fury: files on each of the members, now take them.

y/n: alright *takes stack of paper*

Fury: you and go though those if you want, get to know the people you're about to be around.


Time skip brought to you by y/n going over each file like 5 times.

Fury: Alright, we’re here, let's go.

y/n: hey wait, did you tell them about..me? Because i'd rather not have to convince ten people I'm not some spy.

Fury: I mean uh I kinda told them.. I told them they might be getting a new teammate, and about your past.

y/n: great.. Whatever lets go.

y/n grabs his bags and walks out of the jet with fury, as they walk out they see a few people looking at them through a set of large windows.

y/n:*to himself* this is gonna be a mistake…i can feel it.

Fury: What was that?


Thor, nat, bruce, bucky,sam,and tony walk out to greet the two of them.

Thor: Hello fury! Hello…person I do not know.

Fury: thor.

y/n: hi..

Nat: fury, whos this?

Tony: Is this the new teammate?

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