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Y/n's just walking down the street at 8:30 in the night to get to work.

Y/n: why did I agree to work night shift?? This sucks.

Unknown:*runs up to y/n with a gun*
Hey! Hands up!

Y/n:woah! Uh hey man look I-I don't have any money or anything.

Unknown: I said hands up!

Y/n:*drops his bag* alright! *Puts his hands In the air* really man I don't have any money on me.

Unknown:uh uhm then you have to come with me!

Y/n: what?? No!

Unknown: to bad! Now let's go or uh I shoot you!

Y/n:...I have a feeling you don't even know how to use a gun.

Unknown: really?? *Shoots him in the shoulder*

Y/n: ah! Shit! I was wrong!

Unknown: yeah! Now let's go!

Y/n: alright..

Time Skip

Unknown:*dragging y/n into a room*

Y/n: ah! Come on man! I'm literally bleeding out coz of you!

Unknown: right! Uhhhhh. Ah! Ill let you go if you give me your bank information.

Y/n: the fuck?? I would rather bleed out.. heh

Unknown: seriously?! Ugh! Just stay in this room, I'll be back

Y/n: whatever asshole.

Unknown leaves

Y/n: I swear people now days!

Y/n:*pulls out his phone* seriously this dumbass didn't even take my phone away!

On the phone


Sis: hey, y/n what's up?

Y/n: so uh I know you know the avengers


Y/n: I kinda need a favor..

Sis: *sigh* what?

Y/n: I need you to not get mad..but Ive been kidnapped and the asshole who kidnapped me may or may not have..uh shot me.



y/n:ow ok thanks for bursting my eardrum, I dunno a bit, he hit my shoulder.

Sis:give me like ten minutes I'll get one of them to come get you.

Y/n: alright thanks pep your the best

Sis: yeah yeah just focus on not bleed out, mom will kill me.

Y/n:haha ok buh bye


End of phone call

Y/n: I wonder who she'll send to get me.

Y/n:ow fuck!

Y/n:*looks at his shoulder* oh God, that's nasty

Unknown:*walks back in*

Y/n: oh hey asshole.

Unknown: you do realize I KIDNAPPED you right??


Unknown:soooo why are you like not afraid..?

Y/n: uhh because your incompetent.

Unknown: hey!

Y/n: and someone will come get me in like 30 seconds

Unknown:haha sure, and how do you know that?

Y/n: well you didn't tie my hands or take my phone. Oh! and my sister is dating iron man.

Unknown:oh shit-

The door is kicked down and a guy walk in and punches the kidnapper.

Guy:hey are you ok?

Y/n: I guess..? Hey your Bucky Barnes aren't you

Bucky:ha yeah,. alright your sister asked me to bring you straight to her at the compound, can you walk?

Y/n:yeah I think so *stands up and take a step but falls to the ground* ouch or maybe not.

Bucky: I thought so, it looks like you lost a lot of blood.

Bucky:I'm gonna pick you up by your other shoulder ok?

Y/n: okay

Time skip

Both Bucky and y/n walk in, Bucky's supporting y/n. Pepper sees them and runs straight to them

Pepper:omg! Your ok!

Y/n:heh if you call being shot in the shoulder and losing a shit ton of blood "ok" then sure!

Pepper:oh God, uh Bucky take him to the medbay, I'll let the doctors know.

Bucky:ok Ms. Potts

They walk to the elevator

Y/n:soooo do ya think when I'm not ya know bleeding out and stuff, maybe we could go out for dinner..?

Bucky:what? Uhm

Y/n: oh God are you not ya know *limp wrist*

Bucky: no no I am! I've just never been asked out before..

Y/n:oh ok, well how bout next Friday, I'll pick you up.

Bucky:sure, sounds fun.

Y/n:great, now let's go.

Bucky: alright

Thanks for reading

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