57(I thought..)

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Over comms

Tony: guys, I just scanned the building and it's says there's a bomb somewhere in the building.

Bruce: Do you know where?

Tony: no

Y/n: what?? Steve and I are in the building right now!

Clint: You both need to get out of there now!

Steve: yeah, ok 

Off comms

Steve and y/n take off through the building towards the exit. Steve was a few steps ahead of y/n, so when a part of the roof fell down behind him it separated them.

Steve: y/n!

Y/n: I'm fine Steve! Just keep going, I'll find another way out.

Steve: no y/n! We both know there's no other way

Y/n: then I'll make one!

Steve: y/n-

Y/n: go Steve! Before the whole damn building explodes!!

Steve: *sighs*. Fine..y/n promise me you'll find a way out.

Y/n:....ok Steve, I'll find a way out.

Steve: ok, I'll see you out there.

|No ones POV|

Steve runs to the exit while y/n runs back the way they came frantically looking for a window or some emergency door they had missed.

Steve ran out of the build only 30 seconds before the bomb exploded 

Nat: Steve where y/n?

Steve: We got separated and he ran to find another exit, I thought he would have already gotten out..

Thor: we haven't seen him

The building explodes

Clint: You don't think he's still in there do you?

Steve: oh God I hope not

Tony: I'll be right back

Tony flies off to search for him. After ten minutes he comes back.

Tony: guys.. I've scanned the whole building multiple times and there's no body heat signatures..

Nat: what?? That's not possible he can't be.. he's not

Bruce: *places his hand on nats shoulder*

Thor: Stark are you saying that y/n is...dead?

Tony:..as far as I can tell..yeah, no one can go in to look it's too unstable

Clint: no no no 

Steve: but I thought- he promised me- oh God

Nat : You shouldn't have let him go Steve!

Steve: *looks at his feet* Nat I'm sorry-

Nat: y/n was like a brother to me! And now he's…

Nat walks off and Bruce runs after her.
Clint looks at the building one more time and walks off.

Steve: I shouldn't let us get separated.

Thor: Rogers, he's in Valhalla now, he can finally rest.

Tony: did he have any family?

Steve: not that we know of

Tony: Well then we have things to plan…

Steve: yeah..I guess we do

Thor: let us go now

The three of them walk off after the rest.

Thanks for reading

I'm planning on doing a part two 😁

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