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Y/n is two years older than Peter and can defy gravity.

Their both on y/n's floor of the tower and y/n is ranting to Peter about stuff

Y/n: *pacing up the walls and over the ceiling* and then! Sam that little shit! Thought he would be able to trick me! Me!! I'm like the king of tricks!

Peter: *sitting criss cross on the ceiling* he thought that?? Hahaha

Y/n: I know! 

Y/n: oh! And another thing! Flash thought he could mess with me despite me being two years older than him!!

Peter: ughh I hate flash

Y/n: so do I!

Tony walks out of the elevator to ask the two kids for help with something

Tony: yo, kids I need hel-


y/n: hey stark

Peter: hi Mr. Stark!

Tony: *looking between the two teenagers on the ceiling* HOW THE HELL?!

y/n: have you seriously forgotten that I can mess with gravity an shit??

Peter: And that I'm sticky?

Tony: no!....yes yes I did

Peter: hahaha

Y/n: *laughing so hard he loses the concentration he has to stay on the ceiling and falls*

Y/n: oh shit!! Ouch!!

Tony: oh my gods, you good kid?

Y/n: *sticking his hand up over the couch and giving a thumbs up* yep I'm good

Peter: Oh my God! You fell! *Holding his ribs and laughing*

Y/n: shut your face Parker.

Peter: hahaha

Y/n: *grunts* гребаный придурок (fucking jerkface) 

(fun fact I use jerkface as an insult a lot)

Peter: What'd you just say??

Y/n: nothing…

Peter: Aunt Nat has been teaching me Russian! 

Y/n: oh shit!!

Y/n: *getting up off the floor and runs*


Peter: *hopping off the ceiling and running after y/n*  Вернись, будь ты маленьким дерьмом! ( Come back here you little shit!)

Tony: What the hell have I created? *Walking back to the elevator*

Sorry if this is shit, I'm super tired will writing this

Thanks for reading

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