betrayed (128)

527 13 0

peter runs into the room

peter: guys! 

tony: what's wrong kid?

peter: okay so there's this bad guy that i thought i could deal with by myself but i think i was wrong.

clint: your saying you need help?

peter: yes!

Steve: so, who is it?

peter: he's been named the red reaper.

bucky: oh ive heard of him.

sam: same.

bruce: thats the guy who uses this giant red scythe right?

peter: yeah thats him, but he can do so much more. he's been killing dozens of people every day and i cant stop him!

nat: why havent we been called in?

peter: i may have asked fury to not... call you all in, in my defense i wanted to handle it myself! 

tony: its fine kid, your asking for help now. now, what else can he do?

peter: uhm, he can change into like a mist or fog form and go through walls and is almost invisible, he can control minds, and is-

suddenly peters phone rings, interrupting him, he grabs it out of his pocket and looks at the screen.

peter: its my brother...

peter walks away and answers it.

peter: hey y/n, whats up?

y/n: hey, i just wanted to let you know that im not gonna be home till late, so dont stay up to late, youve got school in the morning

peter: i know i have school. what are you  gonna be doing?

y/n: oh... just some work stuff, you dont need to worry bout it, there's spaghetti and salad in the fridge, dont forget to eat. 

peter: Haha alright, you the best.

y/n: uh huh, sure Haha, see Ya tomorrow.

y/n hangs up and peter walks back over

sam: i didnt know you had a brother?

peter: oh uhm, he was overseas for awhile which is why i was living with my aunt, but he came back six months ago so i started living with him.

bruce: you where about to tell us what else this red reaper could do?

peter: oh right! he is extremally strong and fast, more so then me.

bucky: damn.

tony: okay, so- friday take notes please.

friday: of course sir.

tony: so he can turn into a ghost, control people and is stronger and faster then peter, who can lift 600,000 pounds... holy shit

thor walks in

thor: oh hello man of spiders! how are you?

peter: im good thor, thanks.

sam: so how are we gonna take this dude down?

steve: we come up with a plan.

nat: what does he look like?

peter: he wears a skull mask and robes, like the grim reaper, but he looks like he's about 6 feet tall, and seems to be pretty muscular. there was one time where i knocked his mask askew and i  saw what could have been a scar on his right cheek.

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