how the hell?(141 pt2)

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after they leave y/n in his cell thor leaves to find loki who is always sulking around on the compound's grounds.

thor: brother! come out already! i dont have to time or patience to find you!

from behind thor

loki: what do you want?

thor: oh shit! why must you do that? *sigh* nevermind we dont have time. i believe y/n has become a vampire, and we need your help to find a way to save him.

loki: what? has he drunk from anyone yet?

thor: yes... me.

loki: *sigh* then there is no way to save him now. if he hadn't drunk blood i would have better news but...

thor: what do we do then? kill him...? i won't do that, and neither will anyone else.

loki: no! gods no! we can help him adjust to his new way of life, and hopefully help him learn we are not food source.

thor: i hope your right brother. i care about him and do not want to have to kill him.

loki: nor do i. where is he? surely hes not unsupervised?

thor: no, he made us put him into one of the cells for everyone's safety.

loki: he made you. you mean to say that he went willingly, after having drank your blood, and thus becoming a full-fledged vampire?

thor: yes, what about it?

loki: i just have never heard of that, in all the lore and legends a vampire has never let humans confined them, they always just.... eat the human. there bit be hope for him yet brother.

thor: what? what does that have to do with anything?

loki: he is already able to control himself... most of the time, i believe as long as we can keep him feed, he will be fine, just like his normal self.

thor: i... we should go discuss this with the others.

loki: alright, but they should be more then happy, this way we can keep are friend. 

thor walks off and loki trails behind thinking. they walk into the living room where everyone else is.

steve: so is there a way we can save him?

loki: unfortunately, no. but if he really asked you all to put him in a cell, and didnt just eat you all, there might be hope. if we can keep him feed and help him learn we are not food, he should almost normal. hopefully no hunters will catch word of him. if they do, he's as good as dead...

bucky sits up and looks at loki.

bucky: hunters? what do you mean, hunters?

clint: what, like the type of hunter that hunts fucking deer?

loki: no. the hunters i am referring to is the kind that hunts exclusively the supernatural. 

nat: the supernatural?

loki: *sigh* yes, such as vampires, werewolves, wendigos, ghosts, demons, and hundreds of other things. we cannot under any circumstances let any of them know of y/n, if we do, we wont be able to save him.

tony: i think, we would be able to take care of a few guys.

loki: thats cute, stark, most of them have been trained from childhood, some as soon as they could read. they would obliterate us. all of us.

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