83(alfheim pt2)

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As y/n and Thor reappear in Asgard, Heimdall removes the sword and greets them both.

Heimdall: hello to the both of you.

Thor: Heimdall! How are you?

Heimdall: I am well Thor thank you.

Y/n: Heimdall *nods*

Heimdall: good to see you again y/n.

Y/n:so where is..Odin?

Heimdall: he's in the throne room..

Y/n: thank you

Heimdall: of course

Y/n:*starts walking* let's go Thor

Thor: fine.

As they are walking across the bridge, Thor is looking at y/n for a while.

Y/n: do you need something??

Thor: oh uhm my apologies, it's just that you look extremely familiar to me.. I just can't place where I know you from..

Y/n:*scoffs* of course "Thor prince of Asgard" doesn't remember me.

Thor: so I do know you!

Y/n: yes you did..

Thor: how?

Y/n:..before alfheim took on neutrality and we separated ourselves from the other realms, a lot of us were scattered throughout the other realms, due to the training we go though, many of us were soldiers, I was a soldier of Odin.

Thor: haha well I think I'd remember you.

Y/n: well I'm actually much older then you, but nooo why would you remember me, I was only Odin's personal guard, and I was the one who trained you and your brother when your were small children.

Thor: wait! Your that y/n??

Y/n: yes, bout time you remember.

Thor: but I don't understand why I didn't recognize you?

Y/n: well you were but a child when I had to return to alfheim, and I've aged  quite a bit.

Y/n: anyways we're here, let's go talk to "Odin"

Thor: alright..

They both barge into the throne room and see "Odin" relaxing on the throne.

"Odin": oh! Uh well if it isn't my..son! Hello son!


Y/n:*to Thor* tell the guards to leave.

Thor: guards, leave us.

All the guards leave and shut the doors

Y/n: alright, listen here "Odin" if you couldn't tell I'm a light elf, and it's well known that we can see the illusions and magic.

"Odin":uhh, what does that have to do with me? What are you accusing me of??

Y/n: ohh there's no need to get defensive if you don't have anything to worry about, isn't that right, Loki??

"Odin": uh excuse me-

Y/n: your caught kid, get rid of the damn illusion!

Loki transforms back to himself

Loki: well damn.

Thor: Loki! I thought you were dead!

Loki: really?

Y/n: Thor! Back on topic!

Thor: right! Brother, why have you declared war on the other realms?

Loki: uh because I could and I was bored.

Y/n: you son of a bitch! My home is in ruins because of you!

Y/n storms towards Loki pulling out daggers from his belt

Loki: woah! No need for that.

Thor: brother, do you remember y/n, father's personal guard who began our training?

Loki: yes of course, what does that have to do with anything?

Thor:*pointing* thats him, and your angered him.

Loki: what? Oh shit-

Y/n slams Loki to the ground and pins him.

Y/n: listen to me and listen well, if you like living in one piece, you will call ALL of the soldiers back and then you will reveal that you are not infact Odin to the people or, I will fucking castrate you!

Loki: *gulps*  fine.

At this point y/n let's him go and walks back towards Thor.

Y/n: and you, Thor will have to help rebuild the trust Asgard had with the rest of the realms, I must return to alfheim and see what is left.

Thor: I will do what ever it takes.

Y/n: good, despite all of this, it was good to see you kids again.. Thor?

Thor: yes?

Y/n: watch your Brother like a hawk, if he does anything out of line I will hear of it and he will regret it.


Y/n walks out and takes a horse to ride back to the bifrost.

Thanks for reading.
I might have any idea for a third part to this So tell me if y'all like this. 😘

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