how the hell (143 pt3)

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sam winchester will be called " sammy" in this chapter becuase i have no other way to distinguish between him and sam wilson. also there is very brief mentions of SA, its just the word but i dont want to trigger anyone. 

theres a knock at the door

y/n: oh! ive got it!

clint: no... no dont!

y/n: what why?

clint: something feels... off. you should go upstairs and stay out of sight.

y/n: what? why should i??

thor: y/n please, let barton follow his gut feeling.

y/n: alright. fine *throws up his arms and heads upstairs*

tony: whats up with you clint?

clint: i have a gut feeling

thor: and like i said, let him follow it.

clint: hey Friday, who is outside the door?

friday: three tall men, two of who appear to be armed, the other... i no not believe to be human.

sam: can you identify them?

friday: Sam William Winchester, dean Michael Winchester, and i believe the last one is, or used to be James "jimmy" Novak.

again they knock on the door this time more aggressively.

bucky: come on steve, lets go answer the door

steve: why us?

bucky: because. they cant  intimidate people who are bigger than them.

steve: alright

they walk to the door and open it, and like friday said there where three men.

bucky: can we help you?

sammy: uh yes actually. we're fbi agents, im agent young, this here is agent angus, and.. agent Beyoncé.

dean: hey

cas: nice to met you.

steve: okay, but why are you three fbi agents on the avenger's doorstep?

dean: well... we have reason to believe that one of your members is... not who you think he is. so if he's here could we talk to him?

steve: what makes you think tha-

bucky: no sorry. he just left to visit his family, and we dont know when he'll be back. and even if he was, he wouldnt want to talk to you fakers. bye, have a nice day.

bucky goes to shut the door but sammy shoves his foot in before he can.

bucky: is there an issue?

sammy: we are not "fakers" sir, we are fbi agents, and we will talk to him, even if we have to get a warrant.

bucky:*chuckles* okay, i was trained for decades on how to spot little inconsistencies and tells, and to find the "faker" in a group of people. and uh your badges are fake. now leave before we call in the rest of our team.

dean:*exsaperated chuckle* alright listen up bud, we dont have time for this bullshit, you all are in danger, so tell us were he is, so we can deal with him.

cas: dean... 

bucky: steve?

steve: yeah...?

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