The Obsessed Part 2

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The next day, he went school, Cambridge High School, he met up with his friend Issac and talked about her. "She's just so beautiful man. I have to have her." Max said with so much enthusiasm that it kind of freaked out Issac. "Geez man, she just moved in give her a break. Besides you don't even know her." Issac said going into the school with Max. "Dude I don't care. I'm going to get her." The doors of the school opened again when they got to their neighboring lockers to reveal Natalie walking in. Max was in a daze just admiring her. "Wow that new girl's a hottie and I don't usually go for emo chicks." Max looked at Issac with a killer look in his eyes and said, "You don't dare touch her or I'll beat the hell out of you." Issac was shocked, this was not the friend he knew before. "Okay dude just relax I was only saying she was hot." Max didn't say anything back, only shoved his way to her only to see she had run into another boy by accident. A boy about their age who was pretty shy and normally kept to himself, Max couldn't remember the boys name but thought he looked familiar but knew he and a few others were German exchange students who were at Cambridge for the year. "I'm so so sorry are you ok?!" Natalie asked the mysterious boy she ran into. "Yes I'm ok are you alright Love?" The boy said with a thick German accent. "I'm Natalie, I just moved in yesterday and you are?" "I'm Bill, I've been here since the beginning of the school year I'm an exchange student from Germany." Natalie had sparkles in her eyes she used to learn German before the move at her other school. "Du kommst aus Deutschland?! Das ist sehr cool!(You come from Germany?! That's very cool!)" Max watched with fury in his eyes aa he saw her finding a new friend that wasn't him. "Du sprichst Deutsch?! Das ist so cool! Ja, ich komme aus Leipzig! Woher kommst du?(You speak German?! That's so cool! Yeah, I'm from Leipzig! Where are you from?)" "Ich komme aus Texas ich will Deutschland gehen! (I'm from Texas I want to go to Germany!" As they conversed in German Max's fury only grew until the bell rang signaling classes would start soon. Max thought he would be the one to ask Natalie to go to their classes together until Bill asked first. "What classes do you have?" "Umm...first I have math." "Wirklich?! (Really?!) me too! Want to go together?" "Yeah sure let's go." Max watched them leave together as he clenched his fists together until his knuckles were white. "Dude come on we have to go before we're late again." Issac snapped Max out of his enraged trance. "Huh? Yeah sure." Max had math first too he want to strangle Bill after what he did.

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