The Occultist

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Occultist: Maria Derekson, 5'4, 132lbs., Age 17, Black hair, brown eyes

Victim: Oliver Gray, 5'9, 150 lbs., Age 17, Blonde hair, brown eyes

Fall in Massachusetts is a wonderful time. The leaves start turning different colors and falling to the ground, the sky gets darker more quickly, and the air becomes cooler. It seemed like a magical time for everyone else, except for Oliver Gray, he was always paranoid, especially in the dark and as the Fall time got darker, his paranoia grew. He always felt like someone was watching him no matter where he went. He was at some stores with his friends doing some late Halloween shopping for some lame costumes. Oliver tried not to seem scared but couldn't help but feel watched. He was right to feel paranoid, as a girl his age was watching him from afar. To others this might seem cute, and she might have a crush on Oliver, and she was too shy to say it. They would be dead wrong to think so. Maria had no such crush on Oliver other than, in her own words, be the perfect specimen for her next ritual to her demons on Halloween night, the next full moon. She had been watching him for a month now and has recently decided he was perfect to be her demons next meal. She just had to be patient as Halloween was still two days away and everything had to be perfect, or she would be next. Her timing had to be perfect, and that perfect moment would come to her as she overheard one of Oliver's friends say how excited he was for them to go to the local festival on Halloween night. This couldn't have been more wonderful for Maria. Oliver and his friends picked out their horrible costumes from the store and went back to one of their houses to try them on and watch some cheesy horror movies. Finally, it was Halloween, Maria had her ritual all set up: 5 black candles surrounding a large rectangular table with cuffs on the bottom and top corners perfect for holding down a body, her rituals knife set to cut up her victims and a few other things she thought she would need, all that remained was for her to get her next victim: Oliver Gray. Oliver and his friends put their costumes on again and, to get ready for their night, watched another lame horror movie before going to the festival around 10:30pm. They did a little walking around the place looking at the different costumes and talking to some people and admiring how scary everything looked. About an hour later, they decided to go into the large, haunted house attraction to get some real scares. They all walked in and turned some corners decorated with fake blood and guts to their first scare: a man dressed as some kind of goblin with fake ooze dripping from his face. They all jumped back and laughed at them getting scared. About halfway through the attraction, Oliver felt someone grab him and felt a cloth that smelled funny go over his mouth and nose and a second later he saw black. He woke up an hour later cuffed to a large rectangular table where he saw dim lights from 5 black candles surrounding him and saw sharp of various sizes around him. He was scared when he woke up in the strange place but became more scared when he saw the knives. Thoughts were running through his mind. Where am I? How'd I get here? What am I doing here? What are those knives for? All his questions would be answered the moment Maria walked in the room with a sinister grin on her face. "Welcome to the last place you'll ever see, Oliver." Maria said with malice in her voice. Oliver started panicking and pulling against the steel cuffs holding him down. He started shouting for help, his voice bouncing off the walls not going anywhere else. What he didn't know was he and Maria were in the basement of a cabin in the middle of the woods, no one will find him. Maria went over to one of the knives and grabbed a small dagger with multiple curves along the blade and lightly dragged it across his arm not breaking the skin just yet. "Here he is, ready to be prepared for you." She said to her demons that were hiding in the darkness not to be seen by either living person in the room. After she said that she sliced a 4-inch cut into his bicep. His screams filled the room and pleased the demons hiding and making a devious smile appear on Maria's face as she sliced another cut into his leg making him scream and cry louder as he begged her to stop, but she wasn't going to stop anytime soon, mot until he stops breathing and her demons were satisfied. She made several more cuts along his body in a specific order according to the ritual. Oliver felt tired and exhausted from all the blood he's lost, but he was still awake and could still see her staring at him with a crazed look in her eyes. He could feel his end nearing and he knows there is no hope for him as he cried silent tears. Maria went to his side and placed the blade over his neck and as they made eye contact, he saw over her shoulder a strange black figure with red eyes and sharp claws moving toward him hungrily, before the claws reached him, Maria sliced his neck open making him gargle and choke on his own blood as it oozed down his chest. Every demon in the room moved towards him and clawed him open eating everything they could find. Maria was safe for another month as her demons were satisfied with their prey. Maria went over to a desk near the table of feasting demons and grabbed a small black notebook with red markings all over the cover and opened it to the last page she wrote in and crossed out Oliver's name and looked at the name below his: Elisabeth Morrel; her next victim.

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