The Stranger

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Miranda Carter Age: 22, 5'4, 105 lbs., brown hair, brown eyes.

Samantha Allan Age 20, 5'3, 110 lbs., black hair, blue eyes

3 other victims mentioned but not specified


 A cool breeze ran down the old streets of a small town in Victorian England. The men and women were dressed finely in suits and dresses. The small children ran down the streets chasing each other yelling and screaming in joy. The day was cheery with no sadness in the air as people in cafe's enjoyed warm cups of tea or coffee and ate warm pastries and tarts. Night came fast and everyone went to their respective homes and had a warm family meal and soon went to bed to rest their day away. In the dead of night, a muffled scream could be heard from an alley way, but nothing was found until the next morning. People walking past caught the scent of rotting meat and curiously looked in seeing nothing down the dark alley at first, but at a closer glance saw the corpse of a young woman about the age of 22, Miranda Carter. The people of England were horrified and shocked at the sight. Miranda was deathly pale; her face had a pained and terrified expression forever remaining on her porcelain face. She was slumped over next to a couple garbage bins and some boxes. Everyone mourned her sudden death; Miranda was a sweet girl that everyone loved, they wondered why of all people was it her to go? She hadn't done a wrong thing in her life. During this time a strange man was moving into an old mansion that had been vacant for some time, everyone rumored the place to be haunted or cursed that's why they believed as to why no one wanted to live there. No one had seen the strange man yet and didn't know anything about him not even his name. As usual, people had started rumors about him: he was a nervous man, he's hiding something, or better yet he could be a vampire hiding from the sun and from society. No one knew for sure why he didn't show himself, but some did think it was odd that a stranger moved in right after a disturbing murder took place only the night before. Throughout the next few days, the townsfolk saw the movers bringing in old furniture into the mansion but still no sign of the strange man other than someone overhearing some of the movers mention someone called "Mr. Radke", and how he'd be angry if something was broken. Word spread fast about his name like a wildfire. People saying they've seen Mr. Radke, or they had seen movement inside his mansion late at night when the movers weren't there. A few days later, another murder took place, another young woman, Samantha Allen, the daughter of a local baker who helped her mother from time to time in her small bakery. She was found in a similar fashion with the same ghastly look on her face. The next day, "Mr. Radke" had shown himself for the first time, people were tense around him. They gave him feared looks and whispered quietly about him not knowing he could hear them quite well. Every night since, he would stare out of his bedroom window and look down upon the town and its people appearing to be searching for something or someone. Over the next few days, 3 more women were either left in the same position as the first 2 victims or they weren't seen again. The towns people finally had enough and decided to do something about Mr. Radke. A small group of people went to his mansion hoping to catch a glimpse of his home life. They saw him pacing in a large room lit by a candle chandelier only occupied by himself and a large grand piano. He paced back and forth looking at the ground for a small while before stopping, staring at the large piano before walking over to it and sitting down before the keys contemplating what to play. After a second of sitting and watching the keys, he put his thin hands on the cold white and black keys and started playing a soft and sickly-sweet melody the group could hear through the open window of the room and soon heard his warm sweet voice sing a gothic ballad. The group was enchanted by his voice and the beautifully haunted melody he's playing and soon was confused, he walked up from the piano still singing, but the piano didn't stop playing, it still continued the dark melody. One of the group members looked at the piano and saw the keys being pressed down by invisible fingers. During their trance, they didn't realize a figure coming up behind them until it was right behind them and then, darkness. When the group didn't come back, everyone knew it was him and started a riot, marching to his home in search of the unknown master. The once clear sky suddenly turned dark and stormy, thunder and lightning clashed out of the dark clouds almost putting out their firelit torches. Ronnie, Mr. Radke, sat in his bedroom calming down a young woman, his love. She was terrified and didn't know what was going on or what was going to happen. He held her tight and bit into his own wrist and fed her his own blood to relax her a bit. He let go of her telling her to hide, it was him they wanted they didn't know about her and that's how he wanted it to stay. The rioters broke down his doors and saw him standing in the front room just standing there waiting. They all grabbed him and dragged him out of his home not noticing his love watching him being forced to the top of a hill and tied to a wooden log as the sun started to rise burning him alive until he was nothing but ash and dust. Not being able to live eternally alone, she made a last-minute decision of burning with her lover. She lavished the last taste of his blood until she also burned alive and, like Ronnie, became ash and dust.

Please listen to the song above! It was the inspiration for this story, and I incorporated my own parts to the story like the ending. I hope you all liked this story it's definitely one of my favorites as well as the song. 

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