False Hope

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Victim: Joey Landon 5'7, 148 lbs., Age:24, brown hair, green eyes

Kidnappers: Brandon Charles 5'9, 162 lbs., Age: 32, blonde hair and balding, blue eyes. 

Vincent Olsen 6'1, 170 lbs., Age: 30, blonde hair, brown eyes


He had finally done it. Joey had finally after weeks of trying to escape, he finally did it. Joey had gone missing for a month now after being taken off the streets outside his office building by this man he didn't know but later found out was named Brandon Charles. He didn't know why Brandon had taken him, he didn't know who this man was and had never seen this man before in his life. Almost every day, Brandon had beat Joey until he passed out and barely fed him and rarely gave him water. After a week of torture, Joey got the courage to try and escape once he had the strength. Unfortunately, he was caught each time until after 3 weeks of trying, he finally did it and started running towards a highway looking for someone, anyone to help him. He walked down the sidewalk for a few hours with no luck of being saved, but when he almost collapsed from exhaustion, someone pulled up beside him and offered him a ride to the police station. Joey felt overjoyed and painfully got in and told the guy his name and what happened. The new guy showed sympathy for Joey and gave him a bottle of water that he chugged half of as soon as he got it and the last half of beef jerky he had saved for later. They laughed and joked for a bit trying to calm Joey's nerves and after a while Joey realized they had been on the road for some time now with no police station in sight, so he asked his new friend, Vincent Olsen, if they could get going to one, after he was asked that, Vincent's demeanor changed from laughing and joking, to serious and cold. It scared Joey how he just changed his attitude so quickly. He asked Vincent what was wrong, but only got silence as an answer and heard the sound of the car doors being locked. Joey started to panic and started trying to open his door failing but came to a stop when Vincent knocked him out with a hard blow from his elbow to Joey's head. He woke up a while later tied to a chair that was embedded in the cement floor of a basement. He tried to scream, but it only came out muffled since he had a cloth around his face covering his mouth. Soon after he woke up, a door opened followed by footsteps on old, wooden, creaky stairs being made by Vincent coming down them. Vincent was never trying to help Joey, this was his plan after all, Joey didn't know Vincent before he picked him up, so he wasn't sure what was going on anymore. Vincent walked up to Joey and started to beat him to a pulp until he passed out again. He woke up hearing faint but close screaming and couldn't make out all the words being said except "take" and "mine". He didn't know what they were talking about but knew somehow it must've been about him. He had to leave again before more damage could be done to him. It took him nearly a month to escape last time, and there was no way he was going to be sloppy this time. He tried looking around the dark basement for anything nearby that could help him, but nothing, there was a baseball bat in a corner, but it was useless to him at the moment. He felt hopeless and just cried, his tears making the dried blood around his broken nose run again down his face. The yelling stopped followed by a door slamming shut. After a while, Joey heard a door open by being unlocked and someone coming down the stairs. He hoped and prayed it wasn't Vincent and to his surprise it wasn't him, but a girl about his age coming down with a knife. He started to panic when he saw her with a knife but was surprised again when she said she was going to help him escape her crazy boyfriend. Vincent wasn't back yet so they had time to escape. They ran out the back door and into a small forest behind the house and ran until they felt safe. Joey thanked her many times almost in tears on his knees. They caught their breaths and continued through the forest into a street and quickly found a police station where she helped him report what happened and within the next couple hours both Brandon and Vincent were arrested. Joey finally felt like he was in Heaven, he was finally free. The girl, Emily, took him to her place so she could help him with his injuries from every beating he took. When they got to her place, she helped him out of her car and up to her front door. They went in and she locked the door behind them. Joey walked over to the couch to rest, but before he could sit down, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and he blacked out again. He woke up chained to a metal pole in yet another basement. He felt too weak to call for help so he just sat on the ground and cried silent tears. The basement door opened to that same girl that helped him not long before. She had a sadistic grin on her face with a knife in her hands. He looked up at her with great fear in his eyes. With malice in her sugar sweet voice, she told him, "They did a good job hiding you, but this time you won't be escaping. Not from me." She walked up to him laughing maniacally getting ready to perform unspeakable devilry on poor Joey's already damaged body and soul.

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