The Obsessed Part 4

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The next day, Max went to school with a grin on his face and his friend Issac knew he had done something. "Dude, what did you do?!" "I told her mom Bill was a druggie and would only hurt her if so she wouldn't go see him yesterday." "Man, just leave them alone they clearly like each other." "NO! She'll only belong to me. She'll learn to love me." Natalie walked in and looked for Bill and cried when she saw him. Bill held her tight and comforted her as she spoke telling him why she couldn't go last night. Max overheard Bill tell her it was ok and he wanted to go for a walk with her in the woods after school. Max wanted to take advantage of this. He was antsy all day and couldn't wait for the final bell to ring. When it did he ran for the woods completely ignoring Issac. Issac knew he was going to do something so he warned Bill and Natalie. They were shocked at what Issac told them he even mentioned it was Max who spread the lies to her mom. They decided to go somewhere else to avoid the woods and Max. Max waited in the forest for 3 and a half hours waiting for Bill and Natalie but they weren't coming and he had no idea why. "Where the hell are they?" He gave up and went home and decided the next day he would follow Bill home and finish him there. The next day, he waited impatiently, staring angrily and hungrily at Bill knowing what he'll have in store in just mere hours. He got on Bill's bus without anyone realizing it and got off with Bill, Tom, and a few others and secretly followed them home overhearing them talking about school, the band, and even about Natalie. Max just couldn't wait to get his hands on Bill. That night he waited for Bill to be alone. He saw Bill get ready for a shower around 9:30 pm and snuck into his room with a mask on and gloves. He went into the bathroom Bill had in his room, the door wasn't locked, he scared Bill and what scared him more was the knife Max was wielding. "Who the hell are you?! Wha-what are you doing?!" Bill was fearing for his life. "She'll only belong to me. She's ALWAYS belonged to me." At that moment, Bill knew who it was in front of him; Max. Max couldn't wait any longer. He covered Bill's mouth to muffle his screams and stabbed his blade into Bill's stomach. Bill's eyes went wide and he screamed into Max's gloved hand and bit down and tried to fight back, but he was too weak and skinny. Max pushed him hard against the bathroom walls and stabbed him again and again until Bill stopped screaming and he fell limp. His already pale skin was a deathly pale almost grey. Max kept stabbing him until he couldn't feel a pulse anymore. He smiled to himself trying hard not to laugh. He left and went to a lake within the forest to get rid of any evidence: his clothes, his gloves and his knife. It started raining down hard getting rid of any evidence of him going there and he left for home. The next day at school, he went in with a maniacal smile on his face seeing Tom, Georg, Gustav, and even Natalie together crying. He knew he had won, or at least he thought he did. He got closer and heard Natalie say, "He's going to be ok right?" He got confused, he made sure Bill was dead, he had no pulse and there was no way a boy as skinny as him could survive what he had done. "He'll make it, Bill's strong." Tom said knowing his twin was ok. Max almost screamed, he had to find out what hospital Bill was in and end him. He didn't realize he spoke that out loud. Natalie heard him. "You?!" Max turned to face Natalie with a surprised look. "You-you tried to kill him?!" Tears formed in her eyes and fear was showing on her face. Natalie started to back away and ran. Max couldn't let her get away, but her friends stopped him pinning him down. Not long later the police showed up arresting him. He left seeing Tom hug Natalie, rage filled his eyes and mind. He was going to get her someday. Someday she'll be his. Someday.

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