Chapter Two, Moving into Nampara

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Chapter Two, Moving into Nampara

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Chapter Two, Moving into Nampara

"'There was an old couple and they was poor... They lived in a house that had but one door. Oh, what a Poor couple was they, was they...'" Demelza sung as she walked alongside the horse, Garrick bounding happily beside her. Ailla smiled from where she sat in front of Ross on his horse, as she looked at the beautiful scenery before her, being back here soothed the somewhat fresh memories of the Wizarding War that happened two months past. She may have loved Hogwarts, but she preferred being here in Cornwall with her cousin; even if it meant being beaten.

Her right leg twinge'd causing her to flinch in agony and to accidentally lean against Ross's broad muscular chest. It was a wound she'd gotten from the war when she was captured by the Snatchers and taken to Malfoy Manor, where she was tortured by Bellatrix. It had never fully healed due to Bellatrix using her dagger and not even a month later it was re-opened when she pushed Fred out of the way of the falling wall and again last night during her uncle's beating. "Are you alright, Lady Ailla?" Ross asked concerned as he felt her flinch as she leaned against him. "No one has ever called me that." Ailla whispered to herself, but unfortunately for her Ross heard her and stopped his horse so he could look at her.

He gently cupped her chin in work chapped fingers so he could look at her which only caused Ailla to lean more fully on to him. Ross frowned on concern when he saw her dull emerald eyes. He was confused by the girl before him; not of did she hold herself in a somewhat defeated manner but also like someone who was accustomed to the life of war. "You wasn't supposed to hear that." She said softly as she looked down at her hands refusing to meet his gaze.

"How come no one has ever called or treated you properly?" He asked. He knew he was pushing the boundaries but he was concerned by what had happened to the girl. "My Aunt Melyor, Demelza's mother, my Godfathers and my friends and their parents treated me as if I was one of their own. And I was told my Mama and father treated me well. It is only Uncle Tom and the Dursleys who didn't." Ailla denied, she didn't know why she was telling him this she barely even knew him. Maybe it sad because he said lived near where her parents used to live or that he knew about her 'gift' because his father was a friend of hers.

Or it could be that she felt a connection with him, he was a broken soul, lost like she was and her magic was calling out to him. Whatever it was it caused her to feel safe around him enough to talk, but she refused to say anymore and he seemed to realise this as he sighed and ether his horse into a trot again. After they had left the tavern Ross had led them to where his horse had been tied. Both herself and Demelza had stood and watched as Ross mounted his horse before he paused and looked at the pair of them, as if only now just realising the problem to his plan.

Ailla had been unable to convince both her cousin and the man that she would be perfectly fine walking alongside and that her limp was nothing, when the man pointed it out. Though she knew neither believed her especially Demelza who knew exactly how she'd injured her leg. In the end she'd given in and allowed Ross to pull her up on to his horse in front of him. "Where're you going?" He'd asked her as he took hold of the reins and led them away from the market and to the dirt path that led to the cliffs which then lead to the crossroads that would lead them home.

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