Chapter Six, The Morning after

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Chapter Six, The morning after

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Chapter Six, The morning after

Ross woke with a start his eyes flying to the love of his life who slept soundly in his arms. He let out a breath of relief when he saw that she was breathing deeply in sleep. He'd done that quite a lot during the night as if he thought she would disappear if he closed his eyes. He had really thought he'd lost her and the baby growing inside her the night before.

"Ross." Ailla murmured sleepily as she stirred in his arms turning around to face him. "Hello my love." Ross said softly as he kissed her softly but passionately on the lips. "How're you feeling?" He asked once he pulled back. "I'm okay and so is the baby, my leg is a little sore though." Ailla admitted resting more comfortably on Ross' chest. "I thought I lost you last night Ailla. You scared me. I cannot handle it if I lost you or our child. I need you, Teddy needs you and Demelza and Verity need you." Ross said tightly his voice filled with anguish at the thought.

"I know and I'm sorry Ross. I just couldn't bare the thought of losing anyone else to Bellatrix and her ilk." Ailla apologised leaning up to look him in the eye trying to express how deeply sorry she was before kissing him deeply. "It's okay you're here now and you're safe and that's all that matters." Ross sighed holding her tighter and closer to himself.

"I want you to stay in this bed today my love. Demelza and I will look after Teddy and I'll have Prudie draw you a bath filled with lavender salts and your potions in them. But, you are to take it easy today understood?" Ross said sternly. Ailla knowing how scared and worried Ross still was agreed and stayed in bed while Ross left the room to tell Demelza, Jud and Prudie the plan and to check on Teddy but not before giving her one more kiss.

As Ross descended the stairs with Teddy in his arms, he paused as he heard Verity and Francis' voices talking to Demelza in the parlour. "Verity? Francis? What a pleasant surprise." Ross greeted as he entered Teddy babbling happily to the new people in his home. Happy to be safe in his daddy's arms. "Ross." Verity and Francis greeted as they stood to hug him mindful of Teddy in his arms though Verity did pluck him from his arms much to everyone's amusement.

"How is Ailla?" Francis asked sombrely.
"She is upstairs resting, she's in quite a lot of pain from her leg." Ross told them. "Prudie can you draw up a bath and put her salve on the side please." Ross instructed who rushed off to do as ordered her face pinched in worry for her Mistress. "Do I need to call Andy?" Demelza asked worriedly as she and Verity entertained Teddy.

"That would probably be best." Ross agreed. "If only to set our minds at ease." Demelza nodded heading over to the fire place and throwing in some powder calling out Andromeda's home before sticking her head into the green flames much to Francis' shock. "What's going on?" Francis exclaimed alarmed.

"It's nothing to worry about cousin," Ross started to say before he was interrupted by Francis.
"Nothing to worry about?! Nothing to worry about! Demelza just stuck her head into the flames!" Francis exclaimed alarmed.
"It's how they travel long distance or contact those who are a long distance away." Verity explained distracted from where she was entertaining Teddy.

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