Chapter Four, A Wedding and a Surprise

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The picture is of Ailla's wedding dress

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The picture is of Ailla's wedding dress.

Chapter Four, A Wedding and Surprise

"How is my young nephew doing?" Aunt Agatha asked her other nephew Francis and niece Verity at breakfast. It was five months after the Ball, Ross had often been seen in Turo hand in hand with the newly found Lady Potter-Black. It had caused quiet a stir to find out she was alive and that she turned out to be quiet a beauty. Many men George Warleggen were quiet sour that Ross had got to her first and their Courtship was progressing rather well, those closet to Ross and Ailla were expecting a wedding announcement any time soon. "He's rather well Aunt. He and Ailla's relationship is progressing by the day. He's even getting the mine up and running, though he doesn't know Ailla is helping with that." Francis said sharing a laugh with Verity.

"Why is that?" Charles asked intrigued about his nephew's young lady. "I saw her coming out of the mine yesterday she told me not to tell Ross, wanted it to be a surprise for him. She's rather sweet I like her, it's a shame all that's happened to her." Francis sighed already feeling protective of the young girl. "Maybe she deserved it." His wife said stiffly from beside him shocking the whole table into silence. "ELIZABETH!" Francis raged shocked at his wife's hateful side. "I don't know what has gotten into you but I don't like it. Ailla has done nothing to you, she is three years younger then you and has not deserved these hateful remarks.

She is a part of this family if Ross, Verity and I have any say in it and I will not stand for this!" Francis shouted. Elizabeth glared at him before getting up and storming out of the room, but not before a maid entered telling them they had been invited to Captain Ross and Lady Ailla's wedding tomorrow. Elizabeth listened at the door as everyone got excited and started planning the wedding Verity making plans to visit the young girls at Nampara to see if they needed help. 'Well she would not be attending the wedding.' Was what Elizabeth thought as she stormed out of the house and into the gardens.


Ailla smirked at the looks Captain Ben Henshaw and Demelza kept throwing at each other and decided to play match maker. "Captain Henshaw would you do the honours of escorting my cousin Demelza to our wedding tomorrow?" Ailla asked sweetly tilting her head to the side her eyes wide and doe like as the three others at the table looked shocked for a moment before Demelza realised what she was doing and glared at her. Ross also cottoning on what his lovely wife-to-be was doing took her hand and and smiled encouragingly at her, he too had seen the looks passed to and from his too friends. "Nothing would please us more." Ross finished giving his friend no room to say no, not that he would no one could resist or say no to Ailla which was one of the reasons he'd for so many investors into the mine. "Of course. Nothing would gladden me either." He said with a slight blush on his cheeks as he took Demelza's hand and kissed it before bidding his farewells and promises to see everyone tomorrow for the wedding just as Verity came into the room.

"Oh congratulations Ailla, Ross." Verity gushed as she hugged Ailla tightly then Ross. "A Christmas wedding oh what a lovely time of year. What's wrong Demelza dear?" Verity asked as she went and hugged Demelza spotting her rather red cheeks. "Captain Henshaw is escorting Demelza to the wedding and Captain Blamey will also be escorting you Verity, dear to the wedding." Ailla said with a wide grin on her face. There was silence in the kitchen before Ross let out a booming laugh kissing his lovely Ailla on the head then the lips. "You are terrible my love." He said with laugh.

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