Chapter Five, Christmas Time Horror

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Chapter Five, Christmas Time Horror

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Chapter Five, Christmas Time Horror

"I think it was a waste of money to buy it." Ailla sighed as she Demelza and Verity rode back to Nampara from their shopping trip in Turo. "It wasn't a waste Ailla. Ross will live ter see yer in the dress." Demelza assured her cousin. "The mine is profitable you've made sure of that and they have a hardy ladder so there'll be no accidents, how could it be a waste?"
"I must agree with Demelza on this Ailla. It is not a waste to treat yourself once in a while and Ross will agree with us on this. How did he take to finding out you've been going down the mine to help them while he sleeps?" Verity asked curiously.
"He was concerned that something would've happened to me and he wouldn't be there to stop it. But I don't regret it as all of the water is gone so there's no chance of anyone drowning." Ailla said proudly.

"It's a waste as my measurements won't be the same for long." She told the two discreetly stopping them in their tracks. "My dear you don't mean?" Verity asked excitedly Ailla nodded her head happily.
"Oh Ailla that is wonderful news. I get another nephew or niece and Teddy gets a little brother or sister. I can't wait to see Ross's face." Demelza gushed excitedly when realisation crossed her face. "That's why you have been throwing up a lot and can't eat certain foods. Ross was scared you'd caught a bug or something." Demelza said as they continued their short ride back to Nampara where Ross stood waiting for them. He helped Verity and Demelza off of their horses then rushed to Ailla and swept her up in his arms checking her over to make sure she was alright.

"I'm fine Ross." Ailla said grabbing Ross's hands stopping him from checking her over for a second time. "Fine? You're looking rather pale love forgive me if I do not believe you to be fine." Ross answered rather frantically. "I wish you hadn't gone that ride into Turo it has upset your stomach further."
"How's Teddy?" Ailla asked changing the subject to find out how her first son was and to calm Ross down. Ross blinked for a second startled before he smiled. "He wouldn't go down for his nap, he wanted his mamma but I finally got him to sleep. Now don't change the subject."
"Ross. Would you have a little more love left in your heart?" Ailla asked nervously.

"What do you mean my love? For you and Teddy always." Ross answered confused.
"What about for another child?" Ailla asked putting a hand on her still flat stomach. A wide smile spread across his face from ear to ear as he realised what she meant. "You're with child?" He asked excitedly placing his hand on top of hers. "Yes Ross." Ailla answered. "We're going to have another son or daughter, Teddy is going to be a big brother."

Ross cheered and swept Ailla up into his arms spinning her slightly as he kissed her happily, though he quickly set her back down when her face tinted green. "Sorry my love." Ross apologised kissing her head softly. Verity and Demelza looked on happily they couldn't wait to be aunties a second time round.


"I don't know if I should go down I feel so ill." Ailla complained to Verity as she sat at the vanity Verity doing her hair. "I won't lace you too tightly." Verity assured. "And you don't look fat you look radiant especially in this emerald green dress that had silver beads on it. "You look beautiful Ailla." Demelza complimented coming into her cousins room she was dressed in a Gryffindor red dress and gold beads, the two cousins had a laugh when they saw the dresses and had to get them especially as they suited them so well, and Demelza wanted to show off her cousins house and a house she would be in if she had magic.

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