Chapter Three, The missing Lady Potter-Black

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Chapter Three, The missing Lady Potter-Black

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Chapter Three, The missing Lady Potter-Black

Ailla and Demelza had been with Ross for almost two months now and throughout that time they'd gotten the fields trimmed and new seeds sowed, the barley and the oat harvested and ready to be sold at market in a few hours, it helped that Ailla used her magic to make the fields fertile again though she had to admit she'd over exerted herself as she was sneaking out to finish the barn and fields while everyone slept; all that had been left to do was fix the wall which Ross had seen to yesterday and to take a furrow look at the mine. Now, though everyone was sleep except for Ailla though she was not outside she was tossing and turning throughout the night, nightmares of the war of the people she loved and cared about dying but this time it was different they were blaming her for their deaths. "No please I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Ailla whimpered her red locks strewn across the pillows her brow wrinkled and covered in sweat her mouth parted slightly letting out her screams and whimpers.

Ross came charging into her room that resided next to his drowsy from sleep and only in his sleep pants as he held a rifle in his hands ready to shoot the bastard that dared to sneak into his house in the dead of night and terrorise the woman he was falling for, the woman he'd just started courting however, seeing no one in the room other than Ailla and himself he placed the rifle by the door and rushed over to the bed noticing she was trapped in a nightmare. "Ailla it's okay it's just a dream wake up my love." Ross tried to soothe but as soon as his hand touched her arm she let out a scream and her magic reacted blasting him away from her to the other side of the room where he impacted with the wall before slumping to the floor rather dazed.

Ailla bolted upright in bed looking around the room rapidly around the room her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath as tears fell down her cheeks like a waterfall. As her eyes darted rapidly around the room they fell on Ross slumped against the wall blinking rapidly to clear the spots from his eyes. "ROSS!" Ailla exclaimed as she darted out of bed almost tripping over her nightgown. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to. Please forgive me I'm so sorry." She sobbed as she kneeled down next to him healing the small wound on his head. "Hey. Hey Ailla it's alright. It's alright I know you didn't mean to your magic was just protecting you." Ross said as he pulled her on to his lap holding close as she cried into his chest.

Once Ailla's sobs soon subsided to sniffles as she snuggled into his chest. Ross smiled endearingly at her wiping away her tears as he picked her up bridal style and carried her back to her bed. "I'm really sorry Ross." Ailla murmured as he gently placed her on the bed sitting down next to her pulling her against him he kissed her forehead. "Ailla my love please stop worrying it was an accident and it was only a small wound which you healed, I'm perfectly alright please stop worrying." Ross soothed as he kissed her forehead again. "What was the nightmare about?" He asked tentatively not wanting to upset her further but wanting to help her.

"It was about the war. But it was different everyone who I loved who had died they were blaming me for their death, blaming me for everything even my parents."
"Oh, Ailla." Ross sighed holding her tighter. "It was just a nightmare it wasn't real they'd never blame you for their deaths trust me and I know especially your parents would never blame you my love they love the amazing kind young women you are just like I do. Now get some rest we're going to the market later and I'm taking you dress shopping before we go to the ball." Ross said as he settled her down on the bed pulling back the covers so she could get under.

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