Chapter Eight, Epilogue

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Chapter Eight, Epilogue

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Chapter Eight, Epilogue

It's been eleven years since Ailla had married the love of her life, got a father figure for Teddy but also had a sayers Melyor Grace Poldark. Since then Ailla and Ross have added to their family with Sirius Ross Poldark, their nine year old son who was the splitting image of Ross but with Ailla's emerald green eyes and their eight year old daughter Luna Mae Poldark. Who had Ailla's curly red hair and Ross' brown eyes. As of how Teddy, (who liked to be perfect mix of both parents with Ailla's red hair and Ross' brown eyes) was twelve years old and going back to Hogwarts for his second year.

Much like his birth mother Nymphadora Tonks, Teddy was now a Hufflepuff which har made all of his family extremely proud as he definitely suited the house of the badgers as he has always been a sweet little bit and that hasn't changed as he was very protective over his younger siblings and cousins. This year Melyor would be joining him at Hogwarts for her first year. Which Melyor was happy about as she absolutely adored her older brother as the pair of them were extremely close. As Melyor grew she looked exactly like her mother when she was Elven, except for her black curly hair she inherited from her father, Ross.

Ailla and Ross' children were not the only ones to have inherited magic, as Demelza and Ben's children had turned out to be Muggleborns, just like their great aunt Lily. Demelza and Ben had two children, their eldest Thomas was ten years old and would be going to Hogwarts next year when he got his letter as he has been doing accidental magic since he was small. Thomas, named after his grandfather, was the splitting image of his father but with Demelza's eyes. Whereas, their second child Lily Jessica Henshawe was the splitting image of Demelza but with Ben's eyes.

Lily was eight years old, the same age as Luna and would be going to Hogwarts with her

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Lily was eight years old, the same age as Luna and would be going to Hogwarts with her. Even though the six of them varied in ages they were all extremely close, more like best friends and were as thick as thieves. They loved playing pranks and would definitely be the third generation of Marauders once they were all at Hogwarts together. Especially if Fred and George, their uncles, had anything to say about it, what with their ship being such a huge success that they now had a shop in Hogsmede and had driven Zonkos out of business.

The Poldark and Henshawe children were not only close to their magical cousins (the Weasley's, Longbottom's and Thomas's) they were also close with their non-magical cousins as well. Verity and Andrew made sure their children, Harriet and Andrew Jr loved and accepted their cousins for who they are, Andrew even made sure his children from his previous marriage accepted them as well. They would not tolerate any bullying amongst the children. Francis tried to see his family as much as he could but it was difficult having Elizabeth for a wife as she despised Ailla with a burning passion and did everything she could to keep Geoffrey Charles away. Ross and Ailla couldn't be happier with that arrangement as they didn't want her toxicity anywhere near their children, though they did wish they could see their nephew.

Right now the Poldarks were getting ready to leave for platform 9 3/4 at Kings Cross station.
"Teddy! Melyor! Hurry up or you'll miss the train!" Ailla shouted up the stairs, from where she stood in the hall. One hand holding Luna's and the other holding Sirius' hand.
"Coming Mama!" Teddy and Melyor shouted. Appearing at the top of the stairs as they were slipping on their coats. Their trunks had been put foyer last night and their owl and cat this morning after being fed.
"There's my other prince and princess." Ross grinned coming out of his office, where he had been finishing off the payroll for the mine workers, jus as Teddy and Melyor came down the stairs.

"Prudie, please let Verity and Demelza know they can come round for dinner. But we will be spending the day at the Burrow and having lunch there." Ailla asked, smiling when Prudie nodded.
"That doesn't mean Melissa can shurk her duties just because we are not here." Ross warmed sternly.
"Of course Mr Ross, Ailla. Don't worry I'll make sure." Prudie assured them earning a thankful smile from Ailla aw she shrunk the two trunks and handed them to her eldest children.

"Right, everyone ready?" Ailla asked as she held out the rope that was the portkey to platform 9 3/4.
"Ready." Was chorused as they all touched the rope disappearing from Nampara with a pop only to reappear on platform 9 3/4 a moment later.
"Mama why can't I go?" Sirius complained as he spotted the bright red steam train.
"I want to go too Mama." Luna complained.
"You're not old enough yet Siri, Luna." Ross said softly. "Do you really want to leave you mother and I?"
"Well, no." Sirius hedged. "But I also want to go to Hogwarts with Ted, Mel and our cousins."
"Me too!" Luna added staring in wonder at the train much like she did last year.

"Don't worry Siri, Luna. Teddy and I will write to you all the time in the notebooks Mama made." Melyor assured her younger siblings before she suddenly became worried. "Mama, what if I'm not in Hufflepuff with Teddy or Gryffindor with our cousins?"
"Sweetheart." Ailla said smiling softly at her oldest daughter. "You know it doesn't matter to me, your father, or anyone in our family what house you get into. Whatever house it is will be very lucky to have a wonderful and kind young witch, and we will be exceedingly proud of you. You can always hangout with your brother and cousins in between classes and on the weekends." Ailla assured.

"Mama's right Mel." Teddy said hugging his sister. "I'll always hangout with you if you want to." Teddy assured and then said the same to his younger siblings.
"You know," Ross mused as they walked down the platform. "I love this train and the platform and wish I could go." Ross Potter making all of his children laugh. Once they finally found Ron and Hermione through the crowds of people, Ron and Ross loafed Teddy's, Melyor's and Rose's (who was a first year as well) trunks and animal cages in a carriage they came back to wish their children and niece/nephew goodbye.

As the family stood on the platform waving goodbye to their children/siblings all rather happy and saddened by the departure. They knew their children would be safe she would have an amazing time at Hogwarts as they were all finally at peace.

The End!

The End!

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