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It was a dark night in Mystic Falls in the tomb, as Katherine sat with her back to the wall, looking at an old book. She stopped at a page that was clearly a drawing of her family. Memories came to her, as she looked at her ma'ma's drawing.

*Flashback-Bulgaria 1490*

It was a dark night, as Katerina gave birth in the cabin she had grown up in with her mother next to her, instructing her to push. Then, a few minutes later, her healthy baby girl was born, in which the maid held.
Katerina sat up in bed.
"Please. Let me see her," Katerina asked of the maid.
The maid was about to, but then her father walked in.
"What are you doing, woman? Bring her here."
The maid gave the child to him, and he began to walk out with her.
"No, pa'pa! Please!" she begged.
He stopped and looked at her.
"No! You have disgraced this family!"
She could only watch, as he left with her, never to see her baby again.


*Flashback-England 1492*

After she had met Elijah and Klaus and found out what was in store for her, she ran like hell with help from Trevor.
In the end, she turned into a vampire and fled, only to return home and find her entire village slaughtered, including her family.
After she wept over her mother, she fled from Bulgaria to never return, in order to flee from Klaus.


She came back to the present and continued to look at the drawing, before continuing to read through some other pages of the book silently. If she had a choice, she wouldn't be in this tomb, but she had been outsmarted and now Elijah had compelled her to stay in the tomb until he said otherwise.
She closed the book and got to her feet, sensing the invisible barrier disappear. The funny thing about Originals was that their compulsion ceased when they got daggered.
She left the tomb and gave a smile, before going to go find something to eat to restore her strength.

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