Chapter 5: Prison Settlement

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Meanwhile, at the LA Penitentiary a few days ago...

The atmosphere at the LA Penitentiary was well away from the quaint, comfortable one of Radiator Springs. Principal Nettes was clearly a fish-out-of-water – though not undeserving of its bleak atmosphere.

Nettes sat in his cell with a frown upon his face as if he were to cry. He began to recall the events that got him there in the first place; sat on the very beach following his academy's demise...


"Do you mind if I ask you something, Dash?" Nettes asked.

"What is it, Nettes?" Dash responded.

"Why did you save me? After all I had done... what made you think I was worthy to save?" Nettes asked.

"I wanted to save your life. All it takes is one small step to right many wrongs..." Dash remarked.

"Thank you, Boltarius. I really owe you one." Nettes thanked.

"You owe thousands of ones." Dash retorted.

"You're right. How can I take it all back? How can I start anew?" Nettes asked.

"Go to jail," Dash said.

"Alright. I'm going to do it." Nettes agreed.

"Really? You were so resistant before." Dash looked on.

"I guess life has its way of changing minds." Nettes smiled.

"You know, for all your bad qualities... you still have some redeeming ones," Dash remarked.

"Thanks... see you on the other side, kid." Nettes wished.

Nettes smiled as Dash drove off into the sunset.


He snapped back to reality as he heard a few knocks on his cell door

"C'mon, Nettes. You have a visitor." the guard said.

"Me?" Nettes replied.

"Yes, you. Come on, before visiting hours are up." the guard ordered.

"Well, alright." Nettes agreed

Nettes rolled through the halls of the prison, chained and escorted by the guard. Inmates all gathered at the doors of their cells to witness him.

"Dead principal rollin'" one of them perked up.

"Hey!! Keep those thoughts to yourself, scumbag." the guard barked.

"What's with the defense?" Nettes asked.

"Relax. My job is to keep 'em in line." the guard assured.

"Well, okay." Nettes sighed.

They arrived just outside of the visitor room.

"We're here, Nettes." the guard said.

"Alright, I need my game face now." Nettes said.

"What?" the guard asked, confused.

"I need my game face." Nettes repeated.

"Why?" the guard asked once again.

"Look, I don't want them thinking of me as a lesser car." Nettes assured.

"You're a prisoner, Nettes. There is no point in denying who you are anymore." the guard said as he opened the visiting room door. "Now, get in before times up!"

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