Mate Sweet Mate

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*Decided to go more romantic for this one :)  Boyxboy and my first attempt at a werewolf story. Hope you like it! *

}Mate Sweet Mate{

(Dominic POV)

I shivered violently as the icy wind found each tiny crevice in my jacket. The black leather didn’t do much to block the freezing temperature, but it was better than nothing. For the hundredth time, I questioned my choice to leave the shelter of my car, but I knew I really didn’t have a choice. I hadn’t seen any traffic in hours and if I’d stayed locked in my car; I would have been frozen by morning anyways.

Pulling the jacket tighter around me, I buried my hands deeper into the pockets, grimacing as my hand touched cold metal. My fingers curled around the offending object and I pulled it out to glare at it. The ring was beautiful, I had to admit, and it had fit so perfectly on my finger. The gleaming silver shone bright in the moonlight, the design simple, yet elegant. I had thought it so special when Ethan had given it to me, thinking that it finally meant he was ready to take the next step.

I laughed darkly to myself as I remembered the naïve joy that had filled me, only to be crushed when I realized I wasn’t the only one he’d given a ring to. I felt so stupid. I had ignored everybody and everything; determined to believe that Ethan was telling me the truth, that I was the only one for him.

Imagine my surprise when I arrived unannounced at his house to find his family throwing an engagement party for him………One that didn’t include me. The young woman standing by his side had smiled brightly at me, happy to finally meet his best friend. Of course, that’s all I was to his friends and family; Ethan’s best friend from college. I’d thought that would change, but apparently not.

I had mumbled quiet congratulations and after making sure Ethan could see me; I’d removed the ring from my finger, shoving it into my pocket before turning and leaving. The look of guilt on his face as he watched me leave the room was etched upon my memory. Was it too much to ask for someone who would love me for me, someone who would never hurt me? Someone who would cherish me forever?

The cold touch of slowly falling snowflakes brought me back to the present; and with a determined look, I threw the ring into the woods as far as I could. The silver winked at me as it tumbled through the falling snow, disappearing forever into the frozen darkness.

Small shivers quickly became stronger as the cold seeped further into my body. I trudged on, barely feeling my feet anymore as the hours went by. There had to be a house around here somewhere! I could have sworn I’d seen chimney smoke from the car.

By now I was struggling to move. I just wanted to curl up and sleep, but I pushed forward, dragging one foot forward after the other. The snow was still falling, building up fast, making it harder for me to walk. My breath froze in my chest and I forced myself to breathe, but everything was quickly becoming hazy; control of my body slowly fading away. My knees hid the ground and I slid to my side, unable to stay up any longer.

I didn’t know how long I lay there. I’d lost all feeling a while ago, the cold no longer bothering me. Which should have worried me, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. The snow drifted lazily across my vision, collecting on my body until I was almost completely hidden in the white crystals.

A sudden movement made my eyes widen slowly, but I couldn’t even feel fear as I felt the warm breath of the wolf as it nuzzled me. I knew I was dying, so what would this matter. Closing my eyes, I surrendered to death, welcoming the relief from the pain, physical and emotional. The wolf let out a whimpering sound; it’s nuzzling changing to a demanding push.

I struggled to open my eyes, the wolf’s strange behavior making me curious. My body refused to answer; my eyes too heavy to open. The warm breath disappeared from my face, but came back a moment later as I felt arms gently lift me to cradle me against a warm body. Darkness claimed me and I welcomed it fully.

Naughty and Romantic One-Shots (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now