Claim Me

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*boyxboy and werewolf :) This one is filled with lots of sexiness and at the same time I think it’s really romantic. Let me know what you think! Enjoy :P*

} Claim Me {

(Jesse POV)

I could do nothing but sit there, frozen, as I inhaled the most deliciously mouthwatering scent I had ever experienced. My eyes closed, breathing deeply while trying to control my wolf. He was growling and pushing to get out, wild to reach what had to be our mate.

The rich smell of vanilla, mixed with a darker, spicy scent, was tantalizing and I struggled to act normal, trying desperately to control my body. I looked around the room, searching desperately for the source.

There, standing shyly at the door, was the most perfect, beautiful creature I’d ever seen. He was small, no more than 5’6”, but wasn’t scrawny. I could see the lean muscles beneath the tight white t-shirt he wore. His jeans clung to his legs and I could only imagine how they must hug his ass just as perfectly. His dark blond hair was cut short at the sides and back, left just long enough on top to be able to run my fingers through it.

I swallowed, biting my lip to contain a moan as I imagined running my fingers through his hair while he knelt in front of me; his lush, pink lips stretched wide around me. I shuddered, my jeans getting unbearably tight as I hardened painfully.

I knew the exact moment he smelled me, my scent heavily laced with my arousal. His green eyes widened and then darkened with lust as he inhaled deeply. His gaze searched the room, finally landing on me, eyes locking with mine.

The world around us faded, the only sound was our hearts, beating fast with anticipation. The loud music and the other people dancing around the room disappeared as we stared at each other. My wolf howled with pleasure as our mate’s sweet scent changed as his arousal flooded our senses.

I stood slowly, desperate to finally touch my mate. A sinfully wicked smile crossed his face, making a growl rumble through my chest. He stepped backwards, turning to leave the room, but immediately looked back at me, making it obvious he wanted me to follow.

Swiftly, I moved forward, trying to keep my control intact. My body was on fire with the need to touch him, to claim him as mine, but I didn’t want to freak him out either.

Leaving the room, I looked around and not seeing him, continued down the dark hallway. Suddenly, a hand grabbed my shirt and yanked me into a bedroom, the door slamming shut after us. I looked down at him and he was even more stunning up close.

His hand loosened its hold on my shirt and instead slid up to my face. The moment his skin touched mine we both groaned, sparks igniting throughout our bodies.

Grabbing his hips, I spun us around, slamming him against the door, before pressing my body to his. The whimper that spilled from his lips went straight to my groin, making me clench with need. He reached up and slid his hands into my long hair, pulling my face down to him.

He crushed his lips to mine, licking and nibbling my bottom lip. I gasped and he slid his tongue into my open mouth, sliding it sweetly against mine.

Surrounded by his scent, I was overwhelmed. I grasped his hips tightly and pulled him closer to me, lifting him slightly to align our aching lengths. I ground against him, growling deeply as he wrapped his legs around my hips, trusting me to hold him up.

I took control of the kiss, plunging my tongue into his mouth, exploring his taste savoring it. I growled again as he sucked on my tongue, releasing it only to swirl his tongue around mine before sucking on it again.

Naughty and Romantic One-Shots (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now