Dare... or Truth?

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* boyxboy, mushy and romantic with a hell of a lot of sexiness at the end for those who want it hehe. I know this took forever to upload, but I had a lot going on and was without internet for a long while. Which drove me absolutely crazy. So without any more waiting, enjoy!*

}Dare…or Truth? {

I looked around the circle, laughing at Joel as he was forced to eat toothpaste. Why is he eating toothpaste, you might wonder? Because my idiot friends seem to be mentally stuck in middle school even though we were celebrating graduating from high school tonight. We were sitting in the living room at my friend Joel’s house playing Truth or Dare, but luckily I hadn’t been picked yet. I laughed again as Joel swallowed and reached for his beer to rinse his mouth out.

“Hey Joel, at least this means you’ll have fresh breath for a while!” I yelled at him, the rest of the group lifting up their beers to toast my comment.

“All the better to kiss you with my dear,” he leered at me, imitating the big bad wolf. At the look of panic on my face, Joel busted out laughing and between gasps of air, forced out, “Oh god, Kasey, you should see your face!”

“Dude, you suck.” I mumbled, looking away.

Joel and I have been friends for as long as I can remember, but he didn’t know I was gay, and I wanted to keep it that way. It’s not like I really thought he’d hate me or anything but I didn’t want to chance it. Besides, I had been crushing on him for as long as I discovered I preferred guys. I didn’t want him to know that. Ever. Glancing back to the circle, I saw Judy grabbing the bottle to spin again. Once it landed on Kevin, I looked over at Joel again, only to find him looking intently at me as well. He had a strange expression on his face, one I couldn’t figure out. Getting flustered, I excused myself and ran to the kitchen.

God, I thought, what the hell is with me tonight? I ran my hands through cold water and pressed them to my cheeks. They were flushed and warm and the cold felt great.

“You okay, Kasey?” I heard from behind me.

I closed my eyes for a moment to collect myself and turned around. “Yeah, I’m fine,” I said. “Just was feeling a bit warm in there.”

Joel looked at me skeptically for a moment and shook his head. “Okay, if you’re sure, but remember, you can tell me anything. You know that right?” That strange expression was back again and I still didn’t know what it meant.

“Yeah, I know, man, thanks,” I muttered back at him. Walking forward, I moved too quickly and lost my balance, forgetting I’d had a few beers already.

Joel reached out and grabbed my sides, keeping me from head diving. “Whoa, man. Take it easy!” He exclaimed; holding me tightly while I gained my balance.

My fingers clutched at his shirt and my forehead was buried into his chest and for a moment I wanted nothing more than to stay right where I was. His hands were warm and felt so good flexing at my sides. My shirt had ridden up when I plunged forward and his fingers were resting on my skin. For a second I could have sworn that I could feel his thumbs caressing the bare skin above my hip bones, but that had to be nothing but wishful thinking. Spreading my fingers apart, I smoothed his shirt where I had wrinkled the fabric with my grip.

 I refused to look up and mumbled, “Sorry Joel. Thanks for catching me.” Pushing away from him, I was surprised when I couldn’t move far.

“Kasey……look at me.” Joel murmured down at me. His hands slid down to my hips and held me still.

I slowly raised my head and let my eyes connect with his. Heart pounding, I swallowed hard when I realized that he was pulling me back to him, his eyes intent on my face. I knew my eyes were wide and probably full of confusion. What was probably only a few seconds seemed to last forever; I was frozen, not sure whether to pull away again or wait to see what Joel would do.

Naughty and Romantic One-Shots (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now