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-George POV-

It was a few minutes before I had to get out of my warm bed.

I woke up at 4:04 am as it is still something my body does but I just stayed in bed the whole time.

It was about 6:30 right now.

And I didn't want to get out of bed.

But I had to.

As I stood up and started walking to my closet to get a new pair of cloths.

I decided to do a different color today.

As I got white jeans, a white shirt and a light brown jacket along with my classic clout goggles.

It wasn't as bad as I though.

As I started to use the washroom and the classic morning stuff.

Once I finished though I chose to get something from the cafe.

Since I never tried any of the food there.

As I got my keys, wallet, phone, shoes and my AirPods cause why not.

I walked out of my door locking it.

And started walking down the halls.

Towards the elevator.

Once i hit the lobby I walked out feeling the fresh air.

Never gets old.

I got my AirPods out and my phone.

And started playing heatwaves as I walked to the cafe.

-Dream POV-

I started to get dressed in a plan black coller shirt and black jeans. 

Honestly not the best but I didn't care right now.

As I got called peoples to get all the bags in the jet so we can go.

That's when someone opened my door

"Yo Dream! When are we going?"


"Cause we are all hungry but we don't know if we should just eat at a restaurant in London while the men you hired puts our stuff up."

"Not a bad idea you know once the jet is filled up we will go so don't eat anything yet tell the others to."


As Sapnap walked out of my room.

I walked out a few minutes after.

"Sir everything is in the jet now"

They took the whole night to fill the jet.


As every started to get on I started explaining to the works what they needed to do.

I'm paying them 10k for this shit.

As they nodded and started to get on board as well.

That's when ever took there seat and we started to take off.

Sam was driving the plan this time.

-George POV-

As I arrived to the cafe I saw that Wilbur was taking orders.

"Just in time George!"

I just smiled at him and started to get my apron on.

"Any news?"

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