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I'm writing this with one eye.

Cause my right eye is like hurting like a bitch Right now.

So I'll do my best to try and write this!

And enjoy.

-{Dream POV}-

Schlatt had called me a few days ago about a deal.

Although he didn't tell me what kind of deal because he wanted to do it in person.

Which was kinda weird and suspicious to me.

So I decided to bring Sapnap but then on our way there George decided to drop in at the wrong time.

And if there is one thing about me.

I hate being late.

Anyways back to the present.

"Well I was thinking..."

He started as I can a very consider look.

I mean what could he possibly want.

"That we could do a trade, but now that I see you have brought something that has gotten my interest I might make some changes~"

He said eying George.

"Get to the fucken point."

"Fine, I want to buy him since I need a new worker or I'll just selling him in my auction house."

What the fuck.

"I'll pay 45000£"

That's so fucken low to.

But George was not for sale.

"He Isn't for sale."

"What? Then why is he here!"

"None of your business, all you need to know is that he isn't for fucken sale Schlatt and if that's all you want then I'll be leaving."

I said as he finished his alcohol bottle.

And Nick had started picking up George.

"What cmon Dream!"

"Fuck off and next time do deals on my phone cause this was a waste of my time!"

I said yelling and putting up my middle finger at him.

He just sighed and sat back down.

And as we hoped in the car Sapnap had just placed George on the seat next to him.

"So what are you going to do with him?"

That was a good question

I didn't really know.

Maybe if I took him outside but I would have to gain his trust and not only that he would have to prove that he wouldn't run away.

So much work so much time.



Nick yelled.

"Oh yes?"

"I though I lose you there."

"Sorry I just spaced out about what I was going to do next."


"Anyways where do you want me to bring George?"

"Bring him to the basement"

It wasn't the best place but.

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