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-George POV-

"Bye Wilbur!"

I said as he walked out the door waving bye to me.

I had to finish my shift before I went home and get ready so.

I just started taking orders and someone else popped in for Wilbur.

We talked for a bit and got to know each other more.

His name was Cody.

"So you going to Wilburs concert tonight?"

Cody said.

"Yea you?"

"Of course! His music is amazing I don't even know why he is working here when he can be making songs!"

"Oh good question, no clue"

I wonder why Wilbur would do that.

"It's 6:30" I heard Cody say.

"We are done for today!"

I cheered and started walking to my apartment.

"Cya at the concert maybe Cody!"

"Cya George!"

As I popped in my headphones and played music until I was home.

It was currently 6:49 when I arrived so I had to make this change fast.

As I raced up the stairs and opened my door.

I quickly closed and locked it and went to my closet.


I decided to wear the usual but with some add on's

I chose my classic clout giggle along side a white dress shirt and black jeans, blue sweater and some rings to go along with it.

As I got my wallet keys, phone and shoes.

And closed the door locking it.

I checked my wallet to see if the ticket was still there and it was.

As I raced down the starts I just realized how hungry I was.

I'll just buy food at the concert if there is some and if not after.

As I started walking towards to event.

But soon I found myself running there.

I guess I was just excited.

-Dream POV-

We all had left early to get some good vip spots.

I decided to take the Sports cars.

Sapnap took his carrying half of the team and I took mine.

Sapnap took Karl.

While I was stuck with Tubbo and Tommy.

They were talking to each other.

"We are here!"

I said as they looked out the window a lot of people were walking there.

I had brought my trusty gun with me to.

Although security was low so it would be easy to get it through.

As I got out of the cars we met up with Karl and Sapnap.


"Hey, Are you all ready"

I was met with the yes respond.

"Can we move fasterrrrrrr"

Tommy was winning again.

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