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-{George POV}-

As I looked over my shoulder to see Karl's face.

He looked sad but happy sitting next to me.

I didn't want my angry to talk so I stayed quiet.

"George please talk to me, I know you won't forgive me but can we at lease talk it out?"

Karl said still looking at me.

I was debating on talking.

But then I just didn't know what to do not only cause Clay was next to me.

And I'm pretty sure he would want me to talk.

As so I felt his glare on me.

I just sighed and starting talking to Karl.


"George I'm sorry for what I have done in the past."

"You chose your side, you left me to fend for myself technically."

He looked away in guilt until he looked up at Nick eyes.

"Well...I did it for love!"




"Yes love..."

Everyone was staring at us now.




"I love Nick, and I'm sorry I chose him over you."

I was kinda mad at that but not the main part.

"What? I'm mad you chose his side kinda, but I'm most mad cause you decided I should give his bitch a chance."

I said pointing at Clay.

And everyone was shocked.

Although I could tell Clay wanted me to forgive Karl so he didn't do anything about it.

At lease for now maybe.

"That's cause he likes you! And you never gave him a chance before, when is the last time you been in love."

So we are going there.

This is not turning out as a apology anymore.

"Karl! He is a killer! I told you before I don't like murder,"

It was true.

"And if he stopped murding?..."

Is he serious right now.

"I still wouldn't love him."

I said looking down at my plate.

Me love Clay?



"There is many reasons, you just can't see all of them cause you are blinded from the thing you call love, when I call it pain."

Just as I said that he surely had enough.

As Karl stood up along with Nick.

He said one last thing before leaving the dinner table.

"Give him a chance please, I know he can change for you"

As Karl and Nick walked away.

Only if Karl understood.

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