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-{Clay POV}-

Just as I arrived at Karl's and nicks door.

Someone had already opened it.

And it was Karl.



He sounded angry.

"What's wrong?"

I said looking at Nick.

He said nothing and just pointed back at Karl.

"Did you hurt George."

Was it not obvious.

"It was his punishment."

"Clay! This is why he isn't going to love you!"

Ok that hit hard.

Karl just sighed and looked at me disappointed.

"Listen, if you want George to love you."

He started and if I could I would take notes right now.

"Then you must treat him like he is your world, with respect, kindness, and freedom."


"Not only that, don't hurt him! Or else he is just going to be scared of you."

He didn't look so scared.

Expect for when he saw the knife.

But I'm sure everyone is scared of a knife?

I'm just confusing myself now.

"Got it!"

Karl yelled.


"Good, now go back there and do what I said!"

He said slamming the door on me.

So much for a nice talk.

Maybe I should start treating George with respect and everything Karl said.

I do want his love.

-{George POV}-

I don't want his love.

This whole time, I have been doing nothing that helps me get out!

I know I said this before.

But I'm going to escape.

And this time.

It will work.

I sighed and started looking for that knife.

Clay had to have put it somewhere.

I mean it's not like it can disappear.

And I don't think he took it with him down stairs.

Where is it!

I had to find it before Clay arrived, and fast.

Im not wasting anymore time.

-{Clay POV}-

I was almost back to my room until Sam came up to me.


"Yes Sam, what's wrong?"

"Our target has escaped, without repaying us what do we do?"

"Who is it again?"

"Denise, Denise Ciel"

Fuck, should have known that whore would have done something like this.

"What do we have on her?"

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