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-{George POV}-

I had prove my point.

Of not sleeping of course.

This whole time I was looking at the clock on Clays nightstand.

It was about to be 8 in 5 minutes.

And I didn't sleep since the attempted.

That's when I heard Clay starting to wake up.

Half of me was scared.

The other was just to lazy to care.

I mean he did say I was going to be in big trouble.

If I recall.

As Clay started moving his hand around to see if I was still there.

And I was.

That's when he finally opened his eyes to be met with the back of my head.

I just realized wouldn't it look like I didn't sleep?

"Morning Georgie"


Clay had tried to spin me around to look at me.

But I did my best to stop him.

Sadly as always it failed.

As I could tell from his eyes he wasn't happy.



"Did you sleep?"


"I'll take that as a no."

I didn't know what to say.

"Your sleeping today."

"What!? No!"

I did not want to stay in bed.

"Yes and that's final."

"Fuck no! I don't want to stay in bed"

"Then you should have though of that when you decided to stay up"

Maybe he was right.

But that didn't mean I wasn't about to stay up.

As Clay got out of bed and went into the closet to get cloths and then the washroom.

"Stay, don't make yourself go deeper in the problem."

Yea yea whatever.

I just was laying in bed.

A few minutes later though Clay came out of the washroom.

And surprise that he saw me.

"So this is what's going to happen."

"I'm going to bring you breakfast and you Are going to eat."

I was kinda hungry now, after all that running anyways.

"And then your going to sleep until i come and wake you up."


"But I'm not even-"


He said putting his finger on my lip to shush me.

But then he quickly kissed me before I could react.

I frantically try to push him off.

And once I did I was about to tell him some shit.

"What the fuck Clay!?"

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