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-George POV-

As I woke up, I felt something different.

Well first of all.

My coller was off...

And second I felt something or someone below me.

I opened my eyes to be meet with a sleeping Clay.

What the fuck!?

Ok maybe I was freaking out a bit.

Fuck a bit, a lot!

How did I get here!?

I saw the coller on the nightstand and I'm glad he took it off.

But now I had to escape before he wakes up.

I slowly but carefully started moving my body to the edge of the bed.

'Almost there...'

'BOOM, good job me!'

I was talking to myself at this point.

As I started walking to the nightstand to grab the dagger, and put the dagger in my pocket.

I heard Clay shuffle around.

He kinda shuffled around like he was missing something.

That's when I realized.

It was me! SHIT.

I got so worried I started walking slowly to the door.

It never made a difference to my fate.


I heard a cold morning voice to me.

Honest truth, it hit me harder than a car.


I stumbled over my words as I turned around.

To be met with clays morning eyes.

"What are you doing?"

What am I supposed to say in that!

"Going to get food?"

Wow nice me one.


He said checking the time.

"At 4:10?"



"I was hungry"

"Yea sure your hungry now?"

I knew it was to suspicious!


I said not sounding to confide.

"I'll walk with you then."

Clay said getting up and out of bed.


Damn it.

Wait I can just use the dagger.

As Clay got closer and closer.

I had put my hand in my pocket getting ready.

And just when I though he was close enough.

I had stabbed him.

Or at lease I though.


It was fake.

I swear it was real last time I checked.

Clay looked at me disappointed.

But not angry?

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