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I legit just fixed the oculus after being told for about two hours how fucken stupid I am from my father.

God damn.

What a Christmas :)

Enjoy this chapter!


-{George POV}-


I started walking around the room looking at every shelf, covered and even room there were in here.

But found nothing.


Until something caught my eye.

It was coming from the bathroom.

As I walked in I saw something on the counter.

This was not here before.

How the fuck.

It was a gun but cased in gold.

Mostly shiny to the eye I will say.

Part of me knew I shouldn't pick it up.

Not only cause I don't know where it came from.

Because I swear to my death bed I check here before.

And did not see that.

Maybe I should just leave it there.

As I walked out of the room.

Thinking of another way.

I mean for all I know it could be a trap!

One I wasn't planning to fall in.

And the only way to do that is to think around the trap.


Then I remember seeing a rope on one of the shelf's.

I didn't know why clay would have rope but was I really the to ask?

Answer was no.

(Listen I don't know if I said but there is a window in this room so, like 👍)

I could climb down from the window.

But that would be risky.

Although it might be my only way out.

So I will take it.

As I started getting the rope ready I tied it to the end of one of the bed legs.

And moved the shelf towards the window so it can smash the glass.

Three, two, one.


Hurry me!

I jumped out of the window hoping the rope that was around my waist would hold me.

And it did.

I got closer to the floor.

Surprised no one came.

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