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-Dream POV-

I had bought about 5 tickets, Vip of course cause I wanted everyone to get a good view.

Because most of the team wanted to stay and explore the building.

Tubbo, Tommy, Sapnap, Karl plus me wanted to go.

And honestly I didn't think it was a bad idea.

"I'll keep them save for now I don't trust those two."

Sapnap said pointing to Tommy and Tubbo.

"Alright with that go to your room and be ready for tomorrow"

As they walked out of my office closing my door.

I should see my room to.

The building was large and tall in size.

And I had my room connected with my office.

I walked in to see my green king bed made and build.

As well with my outfits I took.

I need to buy more cloths.

I'll do that tomorrow then.

As I went in the washroom and got some comfortable cloths to change into.

I was tired.

And it's only been one day.

-George POV-

(Time skip morning)

I had fell asleep watching tv.

At lease it was in my bed.

As I turned off the tv and got my phone to check the time.

4:04 am.

I just sighed and decided to do something worth my time rather that watching tv.

Then I remember Wilburs concert.

I should wear something nice.

As I got out of bed and turned on my lights.

I decide since I had time I would make French toast with berries and whipped cream.

As I got out the ingredients for the dish.

I heard someone at my door.

As I peeked through the eye hole I saw Wilbur.

And so I opened the door up for him.

"What are you doing here so early Wilbur?"

"I got you a vip pass George I forgot to give you one yesterday"

He handed me a ticket that said vip with a guitar on it.

"Thanks Wilbur want to come in since your here?"


As he walked inside.

I realized I'm still in my pjs.

I just sighed and accepted he has seen me like this.

"So what are you making?"

He said walking to my kitchen.

"Oh just some French toast"

"Sounds good!"

"Yea want me to make you some?"

"I would like that"

As we both laughed.

I started to go back to cooking as we talked about work and the upcoming concert today.

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