Chapter 12

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Aidan's POV
As we walked towards the people standing, I couldn't help but feel miserable about my car. It wasn't that it was expensive or anything like that. It was the last gift I had gotten from my dad before he went into the military. He never came back. Killed in action was what they said. There were ceremonies and medals given out. He died with honor was the excuse they had for me when they failed to bring him home safe.
I was so focused on my thoughts that I almost tripped my bag. It must have fallen out of my car. Peter had already walked over to the people in the road so I went over to now ruined car. There were sparks in the back but that didn't bother me. The car had somehow flipped over onto its top so it was now upside down. I climbed in and managed to pry open the glove compartment. There was a photo in there and a card. I couldn't see them but I knew they were in there somewhere. I was so focused on getting the stuff out that I couldn't smell the smoke in the air. That's about when the car set on fire. I knew there was only seconds before both me and the car blew up but I had to get those items. Someone was tugging on the back of my shirt but I kept struggling.
"Aidan!" Peter yelled. "You're going to burn. The car's going to explode." I hadn't even realized I was crying until I felt the tears running down my cheeks. I managed to get the stuff out but that's when I felt the heat. Peter yanked so hard on my shirt that I flew out of the car. I crashed on the ground, my shirt was still on fire.
"Aidan!" Peter yelled. I couldn't do anything but manage to throw the items I had managed to save away from me. The fire was odly comforting. My vision was darkening but I could hear voices yelling to me. That's when everything was lost.
"Aidan," someone was saying. I blinked slowly. I felt like I had just fell into a pool of lava.
"Ouch," I murmured. I managed to open my eyes. Peter was standing above me and were those people I had almost hit with the car.
"What?" I asked as I went to sit up but Peter pushed me back down.
"Aidan, this is going to be hard to believe but you caught on fire. You were burning."
"Did they get hurt?" I asked weakly. I hurt so bad.
"No one got hurt Aidan, only you," Peter said.
"No," I said. I managed to push past him and stand up. I almost fell over but Peter was there. I saw something burning on the ground. Was that my picture?
"I found these," the girl that was standing beside me said. She seemed to be leaning away from me as she handed me my card and picture. I looked down and realized that I had not shirt on. I flexed my muscles a little to show off.
"So, who are you guys?" I asked.
"I'm Munster-Sama and this is Kate," the boy said. "And we need to talk to you about Reagan."

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