Chapter 14

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Peter's POV
There was a long white hallway in front of us. It smelled like a hospital. Aidan's nose was wrinkled and he was bent over slightly. We walked forward, listening for alarms or anything else that could possibly put this mission at risk. Nothing so far.
"Where would Reagan even be?" Aidan asked. Under most circumstances, I would have said in the basement because in every movie the captive is always put in the basement. This wasn't a movie.
"She might be up there," I said, gesturing to the top floor. We were in a room with no ceiling, just a staircase off to the right side. There was a balcony that wound around the top of the room. That's when a door off to our left flew open and people ran out. They were holding knives and other weapons that would have made normal people run screaming. Aidan lifted his hand and a desk near us shattered into a million pieces. It reformed as a massive rock, which he dropped on the oncoming crowd. I ran through them, hitting anyone who happened to be within hitting distance. It seemed for every person we fought two more showed up. For every person that meant there was one less person with Reagan. I looked over at Aidan who was backflipping over this wicked tall guy. He kicked him in the back and the guy went down. I ran over to him and opened my mouth but he was pointing to the staircase.
"Go Peter. I've got it. Go find her." He lunged forward into the crowd and I lost sight of him. Yes, I felt like a jerk for abandoning Aidan but Reagan needed me right now. I ran up the stairs and through the only door on the balcony. I was back in another hallway but I was running too fast to notice. I stopped in front of this door that had a massive lock on it. I put my hands around it and shake it. My hands moved so fast that it shattered. I shoved the door open and saw a person sitting the corner of a dark room. There were no windows and the walls were thick. The girl lifted her head and looked at me. My heart stopped. It was Reagan. She was paler than she had been before. There was a pool of blood beside her that made me nervous. She didn't react when she saw me, just sat there, staring at me. I carefully edged towards her. I didn't know what they had done to her here. She watched me until I was right in front of her.
"Reagan," I said softly, reaching for her. She watched my hand move towards her. Nothing.
"Reagan, we're here to bring you home," I said. She shook her head slowly.
"I'm going to die," she whispered. Her voice was so frail so fragile, like glass. "No Reagan. We're here to take you home. You're not going to die."
"I will. I can't escape." I frowned, confused. What had they done to her?
"Reagan, listen. We need to get out of here."
"I'm not supposed to leave," Reagan said lifelessly. Her eyes, a dull grey, were staring at me.
"Reagan, you have to leave. They'll kill you here. Come with me and Aidan," I begged.
"Who is Aidan?" She asked. She couldn't remember Aidan. That meant......
"Reagan, do you remember my name?" She shook her head. My hand fell to my side and I slid to my knees. She didn't remember any of us. My hand fell beside my pocket and I felt something. A piece of paper. I pulled it out. It was the picture of Aidan, Reagan, and myself. Aidan had left it in the car and I grabbed it before it set on fire. I studied it, feeling like I was going to cry.
"Can I see?" I looked up to see Reagan holding out one hand. I gave it to her and she looked at it. She closed her eyes, her eyebrows pulled down.
"Peter," she said slowly. Her eyes opened and they were their regular color again. "Peter Maximoff. You came for me." She looked at me and a smile went across her face.
"Peter!" She said and threw her arms around me. I hugged her back, happier than I had ever been.
"I thought you would never come," she said. She pulled away and I saw tears in her eyes.
"We would never have left you here," I said. We stood, me helping her up mostly. Reagan looked better as she stood, her wings stretching to the full extent. I could see a bunch of horrible injuries covering her body but she seemed to be running on pure adrenaline. We ran out the door and I heard people coming up behind us.
"Take the staircase," Reagan said.
"I'm not leaving you," I said. She pushed me in the opposite direction and I was going too fast to turn. I could see her though. She flipped onto the rail on the side of the balcony. The people were standing there, their hands reaching for her. Reagan stepped backwards and fell off. I picked up speed, practically flying down the stairs.
"Honestly Reagan. We must stop meeting like this," Aidan said as he caught her. She hugged him and he hugged her back. He put her down but kept one hand around her waist.
"We need to get out of here," Aidan said. He nodded and tugged at Reagan's side. She was staring off in the distance. I looked over to see a boy standing there. He had wings that looked exactly like Reagan's. They had the same color hair and eyes. The only difference was that the boy was a lot taller and more muscular. Right now, he was standing there, his eyes watching Reagan.
"Reagan," he said. "You can't leave."
"Yes she can," Aidan said. The other boy took a step closer to us. Aidan moved between Reagan and him. Reagan moved towards me. I pulled her close. Aidan and the guy were chest to chest when the door off to our left flew open. I had thought Aidan had taken care of everyone but I guess not. They circled us, their eyes focused. They didn't look like people, more like machines. They moved mechanically and Reagan made a small noise. Aidan was still focused on the guy.
"She has to stay here," the guy said.
"No she doesn't. If you know what's good for you, you'll back off," Aidan said through clenched teeth. Reagan was shaking beside me and I figured she was hurting.
"Aidan, we need to go," I said. He nodded and slowly moved away from the boy.
"Go ahead and run away."
"Damn," I said. Aidan turned and his fist stopped three centimeters from that guys nose.
"We're leaving." Aidan shoved his way through the crowd. We folllowed. I expected someone to chase after us or something but they just watched.
"Don't bother hiding Reagan. I'm your perfect other half. I know where you are."

So, how was that? The books not over yet though. I'm thinking that after this one I'll make another book about Reagan and Quicksilver. Tell me what you think. Who's going to see the Avengers 2 on friday? I am! I had this idea. To support Marvel and show our love for Avengers, we should put the Avengers symbol on our wrists. I'm doing that. It shows support. You should do it too!
Love Ari

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